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About You...
Age 19
Birthplace Chicago, IL
Current Location Same
Hair Color Lt. Blonde at the top and Drk. Brown at the bottom
Eye Color Drk. Brown
Height 5..'4
Heritage African-American
Your fears Spiders
Your weakness Procrastination
Goal for today Live
Goal for this year To have fun more
Lifetime goal To succeed at my dreams
When do you want to get married? About my late 20..'s
and to whom? Whomever I..'m in love with at the time
Ever been in love? Yes
Currently in love? Yes
Do you think you are attractive? I know I..'m attractive..thank u
Your best physical feature Lips
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... Yes and it..'s nasty
gone skinny dipping... Nop
been beaten up... Nope
wanted to kill someone... Maybe
gone a week without MySpace... Yes
gone a week without TV... Yes
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... My Boyfriend
say hi to you... My Cuzin Angel
talk to you... My Friend Tat
What's the last...
Time you cried? When my cuzin left to go to job crop in St. Louis
Book you've read? The Holy Bible
Store you've been in? Victoria..'s Serect
Can you...
Dance? Uhh...Yea!
Speak a differenty language? Nope
Cook? Like WolfGang lol
Write w/ both hands? Strangely Yes
Whistle? Wait let me see..........No
Finish the line...
If I had a... Trillion Dollars
I would buy America
So I can Kick U out of it lol
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What does the opposite sex love about you?
Created by arfal and taken 245506 times on Bzoink
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What makes you irresistable looks
What makes you cute kind heart
What does the opposite like best about you your ass
What is first seen in you by the opposite sex ass
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