Since I remember I have been dealing with music. From childhood as a
listener and later as an author. I am both a composer and a lyrics author.
In 1992 I founded Myslovitz which so far has recorded eight albums. In 1999 I founded also Lenny Valentino and I recorded an album entitled "Uwaga jedzie tramwaj"( "Watch out, the tram is coming" ).I cooperate with Smolik, Silver Rocket, Novika and Blimp.
In 2006 I realized the idea of Off Festival in Myslowice where during three days performed almost 40 bands from Poland and abroad. In this year we are having its second edition. More information can be found on .
For a longer time I have been engaged in solo activities. So far these have been only single songs for the needs of theatrical performances and films (including film "Hania" , directed by Janusz Kaminski , premiere in December 2007)