Youth Against Poverty Odessa profile picture

Youth Against Poverty Odessa


About Me

This is the Odessa, Texas chapter of Youth Against Poverty.

Youth Against Poverty is a organization focused on spreading awareness of child poverty. Our hope is that the younger generation will understand the need of eradicating child poverty globally and do their part in the fight to end it.

Youth Against Poverty is not based on faith.

Help by taking the time to learn the facts on child poverty, then use that knowledge to educate your friends and family on the issue. Let them know just how fortunate they are.
Learn more at: the Youth Against Poverty website

My Interests

GOAL: To educate others on the facts of Child Poverty across the World.

[email protected]

The two most common definitions of poverty currently in use are:
Relative Poverty
Relative poverty is defined in relation to the standards of living in a society at a particular time. People live in poverty when they are denied an income sufficient for their material needs and when these circumstances exclude them from taking part in activities which are an accepted part of daily life in that society.
Absolute Poverty
Absolute poverty refers to the level of resources needed to sustain physical survival. People are poor if they cannot feed clothe or house themselves and their dependants. It is based on a person's biological needs. This is the most common way in which people visualize poverty.

I'd like to meet:

600 million children live in absolute poverty.

30,000 children die each day due to poverty.

Number of children in the world: 2.2 billion. Number in poverty: 1 billion (every second child).

400 million children, one in five, have no access to safe water. Meanwhile, unsafe water and sanitation cause about 4,000 child deaths per day.

Every year more than 10 million children die of hunger and preventable diseases - that's over 30,000 per day and one every 3 seconds.