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Cardboard Tube Samurai

Beneficial if swallowed. If swallowed do not induce vomiting. Side effects include excitement and br

About Me

"Some fans are fanatical!!!" --myselfu ever been in a club and u see this really hott dude at the other end of the bar? You tap ur best friend's shoulder and ur both like, "DAY-UMN!" Dude walks by you right after that and u realize he's a she.... *shakes head* so very, very sad.... That'z happened to us way too many times... Ya'll should try to look more like lesbians... mmmmm... lesbians...."My mom told me once that when you're afraid of something, what you want more than anything else is to make it go away. You want your life back to the way it was before you found out there was something to be afraid of. You want to build a high wall and live your old life behind it, but nothing ever stays the same.... It's not your old life at all; it's your new life with a wall around it. The choice is not about going back to the way things were. The choice is about hiding or going right to the heart of the thing that scares you." --Monologue from the mini-series, Taken. The Pimps Prayer

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My Interests

video games, writing, hangin' with my friends, drawing, snowboarding, hockey, swimming, RPG's (the games, not the guns heh--D&D and Star Wars), clubbin', singing, poker, foreign languages (I speak english, french, and spanish), dancing--Guess that'z about all I can think of right now....
Create your own Friend Quiz hereThis is Braden and me, playing together. :P

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting all kinds of different people. If you prefer a drama-free friendship, then we'd get along just fine hehe.


I like to keep my ear out for good music all over the world and in all kinds of languages, mainstream or independent. Here's a kewl link for radio stations from nearly anywhere that u can think of that also broadcast over the web (altho, I generally only listen to the 2 that I made a banner for below :P hehe): Mike's Radio World


Jesse Bradford is my bitch! ;PMy Alter Ego

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That thing they invented to play video games on?The Pot Brownie

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I don't really read all that much.... It'z part of that whole ADHD thing... Reading involves alot of sittin' still ROFL

