Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Books, psychology, more books, music, mithology, even more books.
A lot of interesting people (my deffinitions of interesting is My deffinition of interesting)
Whitesnake, Meatloaf, GnR, Deep purple, Queen, basicly rock Some etno/native music like celtic music or macedonian music
Brakfast at Tiffanys, Newerending story, Boondock saints, Lotr, Motorcycle diaries, Worlds fastest indian, Startrek all of them, Casablanca, West side story...
no time for it
Tolkien, Martin, Kipling, Asimov, Semionova... Jung, Hese, Hegel, Aristotel, Epikur...
Edard Stark, James Dean, Fredy M., Che...