GREENDAY by PETER SMITH Drawing, Painting, Model making, films, film memorbillia, comics, computer games, especially Gears of War, and Call of Duty2 and HALO2. AVP sketch by Peter Smith
Troops - Star Wars Cops Parody of Stormtroopers
Add to My Profile | More VideosNew Dark Knight Screen shots!This is the Tantive 4 scene from Celebration Europe. I am the Stormtrooper who is 3rd to walk off the camera.
I'm also the Stormtrooper guarding the door to the right of shot, as Chef Vader walks in.
I like most kinds of music but mostly listen to Rock and Alternative. I also enjoy playing the guitar.
Star Wars saga, Indiana Jones, Matrix trilogy, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, Spiderman 1, 2 and 3, Superman Returns, Xmen Trilogy, Fantastic four, Dare Devil, Robocop, Terminator, Predator 1 and 2, Alien quadrilogy, Aliens vs Predator, Underworld, Underworld Evolution, V for Vendeta, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead. Manga such as, Guyver, Akira, Ghost in the Shell.
Firefly, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Lost (annoying though it is), Smallville, Batman the animated series, Thundercats.