*Savonne* profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello everyone. My name is Symidahl, I am a sophomore at Iowa Western Community College in Council-Bluffs, IA. I will leave IWCC in 2008, with an Associates in Music Performance. Thank the Lord for a sound mind. I am currently an employee for my school and just your striving for excellence kind of woman. Enjoy my page.Slide Show for Florida ChristmasBackground parots
My profile was customized using the Taming the Beast.net MySpace Layout Generator
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Symidahl
Age?: 18
Sex?: Female
Birth Date?: valentine's day
Hair Color?: brown/black
Eye Color?: brown
Height?: almost 5'8
Weight?: dont worry bout it
Body Type?: sometimes colke bottle, sometimes thicker than the rest
Piercings?: ears
Tattoos?: n/a
What are you wearing right now?: black shirt and sweats
Hair style at the moment?: wild
* Favorites *
Soda?: diet pepsi
Food?: meatloaf done by my nicca or mom
Drink?: alcohol? naw, koolaid
Alcoholic Drink?: lets leave that alone, answered already
Time of day?: noon
Season?: winter and summer
Day of the week?: sunday
Song at the moment?: One, by Black TY
Band/Artist?: Kirk Franklin
Book?: dnt have one right now
Subject in school?: Math
Place in the USA?: Florida
Place outside the USA?: Canada, but i would go anywhere
Color?: turquoise
Style of clothes?: depends, if im fly, low riders, sexy shirts dat aren't too revealing, and a jacket. You got to learn how to be classy and sexy
Store?: Walgreens does good for my coins
Mall?: Caesar Caesar
City?: o town baby
Website?: n/a
Magazine?: n/a
Kind of pet?: Pits, got to have protection
* Worst *
Place to be?: Round niccas that smoke
Class in school?: boring stars
Time of dayr?: 430 AM
Season?: N/A
Kind of pet?: cats
Drink?: energy drinks
Food?: asparagus
Mall?: dunno
Store?: n/a
Style of clothes?: duno
Celebrity?: duno
Color?: n/a
Book?: n/a
Type of music?: sumtimes rap gives me a headache, sorry fellas
Website?: n/a
Magazine?: n/a
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: depends on day
What is your first thought?: bout my life; you always got to give God the praise
What do you do first?: wash my face
What's your usual outfit?: sweats, cause i aint quite that colke bottle right now
What's the first class of the day?: depends on day
When does school end?: depends on day, on monday i'm at school til 530 pm & i go at 830
Do you see your friends?: yes
What do you do when you get home?: practice keys and drums
What time do you go to bed?: depends
* Do you...*: wut?
Brush your teeth daily?: Naw for real? Yes, have to
Brush your hair daily?: Um... lets just say i look good wit messy hair
Shower daily?: sumtimes baths
Sing?: For sho
Dance?: not so gifted there
Party?: have
Get drunk?: n/a
Have sex?: n/a
Read books?: yes
Listening to music a lot?: in my car
Read magazines?: n/a
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: no
Have a religion?: Christian Baby
Have an IPod?: no
Want an IPod?: not really
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: For sho
Play an instrument?: Yes
Get sick a lot?: have
Watch TV?: yes
Like MTV?: it's alright
Like VH1?: not really
Like the History Channel?: yes
Have Digital Cable?: yes
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: proly
Listen to the radio?: yes
Still use your CD player?: yes, what's wrong wit cd playas
Stalk people?: Yes.. Naw i'm just playing
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: just startd
Have dial-up internet?: n/a
Have AOL?: yes
Know HTML?: yes
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: Did in high school
Get H's in honors classes?: did in high school
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: rather not
R & B?: yes
Blues and/or Jazz?: yes
Classical?: yes
Pop?: rather not
Country?: sumtimes, cuz of my sister
Emo/Scremo?: wut?
Heavy Metal?: no
Christian?: yes
Techno?: no
Reggae?: no
Broadway Musical songs?: yes
Oldies?: sumtimes
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: brown/black
Eye color?: brown/hazel
Tattoos?: my nicca dont, but sumtimes they're sexy
Piercings?: Like i said above
Favorite Music?: Gospel/Jazz/R&B
Style of clothing?: professional/causal
Body Type?: usually athletic, got to have something, no fat niccas
Personality or Looks?: He's funny and he's got to have facial
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: no
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: no
Does size matter?: in the jeans? oh... yes
Do they have to be popular?: yes
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: depends
Where do you go on the first date?: do sumthing different than dinner and movie
Kiss on the first date?: have
Sex on the first date?: no... people like that are called ho's or mucho desperate
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: yea
Are you eating something?: no
Are you drinking something?: no
Are you IMing anyone?: no
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: texting my baby
Are you talking face to face with someone?: no
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: no
What song are you listening to?: none
What are you watching on TV?: none
What other websites do you have open?: none
Why are you taking this survey?: want it on my myspace
Where are you going to post it?: myspace
What are you going to do after this?: go bak to school
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: no
The afterlife?: yes, it's called HEAVEN
Aliens?: no
The devil?: YES YES
Heaven?: YES YES
Hell?: YES YES
Scientology?: depends
Hinduism?: n/a
Buddhism?: n/a
Christianity?: YES YES
Taoism?: n/a
Judism?: n/a
Jesus?: YES YES
Nothing?: why would't sumone believe in sumthing
Reincarnation?: no
Yourself?: yes i believe in myself, but God is a jealouse God... Therefore i would never praise or worship myself
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: yes
Where were you going?: cali, florida, las vegas...
Have you been to another country?: no
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: no
Have you ever partied in another country?: no
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: no
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: no
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: no
Talked about someone behind their back?: im sure
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: yes, still today
Been in a fight online?: no
Been in a fight face to face?: yes
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: no
Been called a bitch?: yes
Been called a slut/whore?: no
Been to Australia?: no
Do you like snakes?: H%$ naw
Ever cried to get your own way?: im sure
Ever broken a bone?: no
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: no
Ever had serious surgery?: yes
Ever looked a porn online?: lets leave that alone... YOUNG PEOPLE PORN AINT GOOD, lol
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: likewise, it's BAD BAD
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: yes
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: no
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: richie dont live here
Ever been on stage for any reason?: yes
Ever been in a play?: yes
Ever been in a choir?: yes
Ever been in a band?: yes
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: drums, keys, a lil bass
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: no
Waxed your eyebrows?: yes
Waxed your legs?: no
Cut yourself shaving?: no
Have you ever died?: no
Was this survey an good at all?: it was cool
What time is it right now?: 1pm
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My Interests

First off loving on my boo! Outside of Him i do all kinds of stuff. I play basketball, piano, drums, draw. I also like skiing, ice skating, sledding, bowling, kicking it wit my friends and my Fam

I'd like to meet:

kirk franklinBackground color in stuff

Make Your Own Myspace Layout


I love music, so much that it is my major; Jazz, Gospel, and sum R&B are my genres. Check this page, enuff videos? Piano ExerptMessage Board Picture Settings


Check these movies. If you eat collard greens or know what chitterlings are you should know my top movies!!! Dream Girls, Madea's classic collection, nutty profesor


I dnt get to watch tv much, but when i do i try to hit up; what about brian, american idol, supernanny, wedding story, home edition, and the news


# 1 THE BIBLE!!! The only books I read are for school


JESUS CHRIST!!!!! Check all my fam!!! here's a shout out to them. Especially Mom, Papa, Granny, Godmom Barb, Dec. Gunter, Mother Washington, my baby brotha and lil Sista 2. Also my childhood Sunday School teacher and her husband, Sis. Burnham and Dec.Burnham; My boo, who inspires me through his love and ministry!! LOVE YOU!!!

My Blog

Mt. Olive Baptist Church

Hello Everyone... This Is A Message About My Church...     I am currently attending Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Sioux City IA. I want this blog to grasp the attention of everyone a...
Posted by *Savonne* on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:24:00 PST