Me...I am just trying to live in the present these days. In 2005 I was working way too much and my life was out of balance. I wasn't always a workaholic, in fact I was quite the opposite before...peter pan syndrome, but I got caught up in trying to get ahead and get my list done. I mean come on whoever gets their list done? The funny thing I was never a work a holic before that…maybe a workoutaholic but that is it. I guess money can do strange things to people. I was completely missing out on what was going on around me and definitely not living in the moment. In June of 2005 I read "The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma, which to this day is my favorite book that I have ever read and I constantly recommend it to others. It is a story about an over worked attorney who ends up having a heart attack due to his hectic schedule. His doctor tells him that he either quits his job or dies trying to get ahead. He quits his job, sells everything, thus the name of the book and sets off on a spiritual journey to India where he lives with monks that teach him that there is more to life than material objects. At this point he really starts to live his life. I think that so many people just don't appreciate each day cause they are working so hard to get ahead and be at some place in the future on some sort of time table that society has conjured up for them, but the best place to be is the present. If you keep working for tomorrow it might never come. How can you appreciate the future if you cant appreciate the present?
There are a lot of great quotes in this book including:
There is nothing noble in being superior to some other person. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self.
Never judge your self worth by somebody else's net worth.
Forget about the past. Dare to dream that you are more than the sum of your circumstances.
What you visualize, you get.
Run your own race.
There are no setbacks – only lessons.
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Never do anything because you have to, do it only if you want to and if that is the right thing for you to do
The only limits on your life are the ones you set yourself
Do the things you fear
Stop putting off your happiness for the sake of achievement
Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.
The average four year old laughs 300 hundred times a day. The average adult fifteen times.
Nourish your spirit. Do the things you fear.
Live Fully, One Day at a Time.
You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.
Curretly, I am just trying to LIVE IN THE MOMENT!
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