Music, Singing, Dancing, Making people smile, Horror Movies, Opera, My Kyle, Dolls & Them, Traveling, Surfing, Music, Beach Volly Ball, avaunt-guard anything, Roller Skating, Music, Guitar, Snowbording, Skiing, Swimming, Ultimete Frisbee, Japan, eating snowflakes, Cique de Sole, Music, Gymnastcis, Football, The Showbox, Jalepino Chips, Scuba Diving, Marshal Arts, Ice Skating, Local Bands, Food, Spending time with my love, Kauai, Talking, Drummers (haha), Dancing in the rain, Music Stuff, Nice people, Going to good shows, Music, Filming Videos, Ice Cream, the Showbox, Hot Coco, Friends, Reading, Thunder storms, Music, etc.
You.......... John Lennon, Jim Carry, Frankenstien, Deborah Harry, Scott Card, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Bush (to have a little chat about his crimes against humanity), Jerry Garcia, Bob Marley, John Stewart, Ghandi, Vincent Price, Albert Einstien, Hello Kitty, Beatlejuice, David Bowie, Jade Puget, Bob Dylin, Lance Armstrong, and God if there is one
So yeah here are some of hily's loves: ^ ^
The -FUCKING- Batteries!!!
Stolen Babies,
Murder City Devils,
Mindless Self Indigence,
The Blood Brothers,
Animal Collective,
The Four Freshman,
Schoolyard Heroes,
Idiot Pilot,
Dillinger Escape Plan,
The HorrorPops,
Miles Davis,
(old) Tiger Army,
Mars Volta,
Modest Mouse,
Massive Attack,
Throbbing Gristle,
The Melvins,
Al Di Meola,
An Albatross,
The Doors,
Square Pusher,
Phillup Glass,
Martyrs of the Apollo Guild,
The Damned,
Sonic Youth,
David Bowie,
Bob Marley,
[old] Misfits,
Paris in Arms,
The Kinks,
Fellow (Monsters),
The Breakers,
Grateful Dead,
Depeche Mode,
Franz Ferdinand,
The Scissor Sisters,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs,
White Stripes,
The Clash,
Marlyin Manson,
The Strokes,
Danny Elfman,
Heidi Fivash,
Led Zeppelin,
The Locust,
System of a Down,
The Bee Gees,
John Lennon,
Nine Inch Nails,
Billy Idol,
Dillenger Escape Plan,
Smashing Pumpkins,
Alice Cooper,
Fall of Troy,
Queens of the Stoneage,
Micheal Jackson,
Jimi Hendrix,
Doomsday 1999,
Marcy Playground,
Stevie Wonder,
Beastie Boys,
Van Morrison,
Death Cab,
The Ramones,
The Rolling Stones,
The Damzels,
Hot Hot Heat,
Predatory Home Loans,
that's enough name dropping for now...
Some chick flicks, anything scary (not to be mistaken by gory), mysteries, musicals, b-movie horror films, and comidies; here are some favorets:
The Yellow Submarine, The Holiday, Memoirs of a Gaisha, The Science of Sleep, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Idle Hands, The Man On The Moon, Almost Famous, Creepshow, Walk The Line, Corpse Bride, Finding Neverland, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Edward Scissorhands, the old House on Haunted Hill, Howl's Moving Castle, Good Will Hunting, Ocean's 11, The Grudge, Wayne's Wold, Monty Python and the Holly Grail, Clockwork Oarnge, Princess Mononoke, Young Frankenstien, Mean Girls, Geto Senki, The Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, Phantom of the Opera, The Beattles First Visit To The U.S., Plan 9 From Outerspace, Rain Man, My Neighbor Totoro, Pirates of the Caribbean, Amityville Horror, Be Cool, Milo and Otis!, Anchorman, Cry Wolf, The Breakfast Club, The Boondock Saints, Lord of the Rings, Groundhogs Day, Drumline, Batman Begins, Harry Potter, Spireted Away, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Pet Semitary, School of Rock, Airplane, Dawn of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, The Birds, The Lake House, Spinal Tap, oh and, Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
The Food Channel, The SiFi Channel, Twilight Zone, The Daily Show, So You Think You Can Dance?, Number 1 Rock Countdown, Music Crap usually, and Who's Line Is It Anyway.
Lets see... Go Ask Alice, Interview With A Vampire, Alice In Wonderland, Dracula, Webster's Thesorus, Frankenstein, Tithe, Ender's game, Pay The Piper, Farenheit 451, Frakenstien, Clockwork Orange, Dracula, 1984, The Da Vinci Code, The Giver, The Wheel of Time, anything by Stephen King, and the list marches on.
John Lennon, Dominique Lenore Persi, Elizabeth Davidson Fraser, Ryan Donnely, Steavie Wonder, Maryln Monroe, Jack Skeleton, Nick 13, Deborah Harry, Jimi Hendrix, really really old men, Ghandi, Van Morrison, Kaitlin Spangler, Bella Lugosi, Thumbalina, Nick 13, Audry Hepburn, Vincent Price, Lance Armstrong, Batman, Hannah Beth, Davey Havok, all great musicians really, and perhaps Homer Simpson