prodigal constant... profile picture

prodigal constant...

I'd rather be a pen than a sword, but... most often I am both.

About Me

"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then. I contradict myself.
I am large, I contain multitudes."
"I will stand here for humanity,
and though I would make it kind, I would make it true".
I am iconoclastic. I imprint. I laugh at myself.
I do not like cauliflower, lima beans, cottage cheese, squash, duplicity, incivility, cowards, chauvinists, harlots, warblers, inconsistent/conditional affection, crocs, pop culture "reality shows" and people who ask "why me?" I do, however, have a huge crush on Hermione Granger, who is nothing at all like cauliflower.
I believe will, hope, love, tolerance, wonder, curiosity, empathy, patience and integrity are like muscles and should be exercised regularly.
I am deliberate of speech and visceral in imagination. I am private in manner and gregarious in company. I am loyal to a fault, but not a pushover... about anything. And, if you show me who you are (honestly), I will respect the vulnerability.
Extrapolating in cultural references:
If Victor Frankenstein and Frederick Chopin took it upon themselves to co-create a monster and gave it to Anthony Bourdain and Kermit the Frog to'd get me.
**tips hat**
"I have faults enough,...
but they are not, I hope, of understanding."

My Interests

I am to ideas as racoons are to shiny objects.


Only I don't wash them first. *smirk*

I'd like to meet:

Idealized(of course):

&nbsp&nbspI've realized that the book "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" has all of the qualities I'm really looking for in a friend, or companion, or anything. Stay with me, it turns out to be quite apt.

&nbsp&nbspGently sarcastic, witty, deep but not pretentious, literate, clever,... sort of clueless, but wanting to see things in the best possible light, and, in the end, both satisfied with and critical of the world as a whole. In that light, see below.

* Intelligentsia, seekers, bookworms, wallflowers and expressives.
* Literate explorers, both metaphoric and actual.
* Persons of great sagacity, wonder and gallantry.
* People with whom to play scrabble, make art, write music, and prattle.
* Coquettish aspirants with a dash of anachronism about their person.
* Cognizant do-rights simmering with rakish charm.
* People who are beautiful because they are somebody,
&nbsp&nbspnot somebody because they are beautiful.
* People with everything to offer and nothing to prove.

* Elizabeth Bennett, Rose Tyler, Kari Byron, Kate Winslet, Lisa Loeb, Emile DeQuenne
* The Doctor, Col. Brandon, Jules Verne, Aristotle, Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman
* Ahab before Moby, Victor before the Monster, Willy before Slugworth.


Let us simply say, if it moves, evokes, subsumes, impassions or entices I probably like it.

Then again, I like ABBA... **shrug**

10 songs for the sake of conversation:

Into the Mystic - Van Morrison
Beloved - VNV Nation
Love's Recovery - Indigo Girls
Feelin' Good - Michael Buble' ver.
Life in a Northern Town - Dream Academy
Spirit - Dead Can Dance
Anhiliate, Destroy - Rotersand
We Belong - Pat Benatar
Hallelujah - Leonard Cohen
Muppet Movie sdtk.


see: music

10 again:

Willy Wonka (Wilder ver.)
Pride and Prejudice (A&E)
Hudson Hawk
Shoot 'Em Up
Blade Runner
10 Things I Hate About You
Enemy Mine
The Philadelphia Story
What Dreams May Come
The Quiet Man


Dr. Who
The Colbert Report
Top Gear
Band of Brothers

BBC America

decorating programs
cooking competitions
and...*hangs head*

American Idol.


Yes, please.

Constant companions include, but not limited to:

* Jane Austen
* Harlan Ellison
* Milorad Pavic
* Lyall Watson
* Roald Dahl
* Mark Twain
* Christopher Moore
* R. Scott Bakker
* George R.R. Martin
* J.R.R. Tolkien
* Shakespeare

* various mags and rags.
* sci-fi, mythology and history.
* mysticism, witticisms and science.


Fitzwilliam Darcy
Col. Brandon
Willy Wonka
Atticus Finch
Cyrano DeBergerac

My Blog


a dancer in music box never learns to dance all clockwork charm and pirouettes but whiles away her tinkling time in idle revolution till spring is spent and lid descends darkness finds her silent, ben...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 07:41:00 PST


1.       As taxpayers are the primary resource in establishing solvency in the fiscal market, place said funds in the hands of the taxpayers to prompt market liquidity by...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:03:00 PST

As Frankie says...

Not that I am overly fond of the environment, knowing my proclivities to lay in more silent venues, but... I am likely moving to New York City soon. It seems New York has attracted all the t...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:04:00 PST


   An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 06:03:00 PST

psych by association...

If you want to do this yourself, then don't read the answers below. Otherwise, enjoy the exibitionism.1. You are walking in the woods. You are not alone. Who's with you?Not alone???... then I am not w...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 02:11:00 PST

the wide perspective...

Washington never served in an office before the presidency. And, yet, with the equivalent of an elemetary school education he established with reserve and honour the identity of the Commander in Chief...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 03:44:00 PST

why American politics falters...

...the highest bidder pays for the lowest common denominator....when it should be the lowest bidder pays for the highest common denominator.Simply a thought.
Posted by prodigal constant... on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:26:00 PST

the momentum of personal triviata...

So,... Molly has "tagged" me with the online activity of ten random facts about myself. I am completely certain non of these shall come as suprise to her, but for the rest of you.... **shrug**10 Rando...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 06:50:00 PST


   "Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire. He was probably burned at the stake he had taught his brothers to light, but he left them a gift they had not conceived...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:23:00 PST

bells and sermons...

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."-- Joseph Addison   The simplicity of that statement has remained with me...
Posted by prodigal constant... on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 07:25:00 PST