The Free Range Duck is an image, of a duck.
The image is free for you to chop, change, edit & use for your own projects.
What is the Free Range Duck Project?
The free range duck project is an initiative to get the duck image out to as many people as possible. Spreading a bit of duck flavoured love and most importantly having a bit of fun.
Why are you doing this?
Almost every image we see has the sole purpose of selling something to you. Billboards, posters, TV, magazines & The Internet all use imagery to get your money from you.
The duck is different; it promotes nothing but a happy image. The duck image will never be used to make money, just spread a bit of fun.
How can I get involved?
You can download the duck image In .png format or Or .Eps format
You can download a stencil
Add the support badge to your myspace/website (see other blog entry)
Add the free range duck as your friend.
Get your free sticker attack pack, by sending and A4 SAE to:
Free Range Duck Project
PO BOX 47196
W6 6DJ
Basically, do whatever you want with it, get creative, have fun with it and spread the duck love.