Uncolored Wishes profile picture

Uncolored Wishes

The "Uncolored Wishes" Band

About Me

The Uncolored Wishes

"World Under Control"

is now available !!!

Buy it on : www.thundering-records.com

Chroniques de l'album World Under Control

T-Shirts "Uncolored Wishes" en vente :

Tarif Unique : 10 euros + frais de port

( Cliquez pour Agrandir les images ... )

Coupe Femme, 150gr, Tailles : S ; M ; L

Coupe Homme, 150gr, Tailles : M ; L ; XL

Commander par Mail Ou Directement en MagasinNos Points de Vente :
21, Rue Amédée Bonnet
01500 Amberieu-en-Bugey
Tél :

Rue Ste Barbe
Place Grenette
73000 Chambéry
Tél :

3, Rue Docteur Méhier
01150 Lagnieu
Tél :

10 Allée de Challes
01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
Tél :

In November 2004 band members got together and "Synopsis" was born. The group then worked on composing a series of eight tracks and concretized by building a demo made up of three titles recorded during the summer of 2005 with the ATS studio in Marseilles

Between June and November 2005 "Synopsis" went from gig to gig in the Rhône Alpes area and revealed its music to a delighted public. At the beginning of 2006, the band played in renowned venues such as the "Tannerie" in Bourg, during wich they were nominated "Tremplin d'hiver" by the Jury.

Major gig venues of the Rhône Alpes region like "La brasserie du Mt Blanc" became more accessible for the band from then on.

The band then underwent a name change to become "Uncolored Wishes".

Over a five week period in September 2006, the band recorded its first album, "World Under Control" at the "Cave à musique" in Macon.

Band / Fans : [email protected]
Production : [email protected]
Management : [email protected]

Télécharge Les Sonneries de Téléphone Officielles :

&nbspAmazone&nbsp&nbspEnd Of Time&nbsp&nbspFinal Dance&nbsp&nbspGalleons Of The Messiah&nbsp&nbspMarie Stuart&nbsp&nbspRegression&nbsp&nbspTown Under Control&nbsp&nbspUncolored Nightmare&nbsp

My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2007
Band Website: uncoloredwishes.com
Band Members: Marc Tari : Vocals
Chris Mesples : Keyboards
Gabriel Jacques : Guitars
Olivier Gotillot : Drums
Valentin Zucchinalli : Bass guitar

Marc : Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Nightmare

Gabriel : Mike Oldfield, Pink Floyd, Guns'n'roses

Christophe : Porcupine Tree, Rammstein, Nightwish

Olivier : Rammstein, Zack Wylde, Black Sabbath

Valentin : Jimi Hendrix, SOAD, Type O Negative

Record Label: Manitou Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

10/11/2007 : Chronique de l’album chez "Osna Metal"

"Über ein Jahr später wurde es schließlich erfolgreich veröffentlicht und seit dem ab jetzt ist es endlich auch zu haben..."   lire la suite : http://www.osnametal.de/art_cds.php?letter=A&id=...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 04:23:00 PST

04/11/2007 : Chronique de l’album chez "Le Fantastique"

"Premier album pour Uncolored Wishes qui arrive avec une idée terriblement précise de la musique, comme le prouvent les dix titres qui composent World Under Control..." La suite : http://www.lefantast...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 02:15:00 PST

29/10/2007 : Le site est en ligne - Website Online !!!

Bonjour à tous !! Le site d'Uncolored Wishes est enfin terminé et en ligne !!! http://www.uncoloredwishes.com Bonne Visite !!! ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Hi !! T...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:44:00 PST

29/10/2007 : Chronique de l’album chez "Les Accros du Metal"

"Etonnant ce 1er album de Uncolored Wishes qui tappe dans toutes les directions mélodiques et progressives du Metal avec beaucoup d'inventivité et sans donner l'impression d'être décousu"   La su...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:42:00 PST

22/10/2007 : Review of the Album at "FFM Rock"

"Autsch! Was ist denn das schon wieder? Eine französische Band, die derart das Keyboard einfließen lässt, dass es mich nur so schaudert..." Following here : http://allover-ffm-rock.de/joomla/index.php...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:57:00 PST

21/10/2007 : Review of the Album at "Feindesland.de"

"Nur selten gelingt es einer Band, ein ebenso gewagtes wie ausgereiftes Debüt abzuliefern, wie es Uncolored Wishes mit "World Under Control" schaffen..." Following here : http://www.feindesland.de/...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 03:41:00 PST

21/10/2007 : Review of The Album at "Disagreement.net"

"Uncolored Wishes are a newcomer band from France showing that it is possible to play progressive metal that doesn't necessarily has to sound like Dream Theater or Porcupine Tree..." The following Her...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 02:24:00 PST

17/10/2007 : Review of the Album at "Metallized.de"

"Wie würden Bands ähnlich Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple oder Pink Floyd wohl klingen, wenn sie sich, genau wie Uncolored Wishes, erst im Jahre 2004 gegründet hätten?..." read it here : http://www.metalliz...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 01:41:00 PST

08/10/2007 : Review of the Album at "Metal Storm"

"Without any doubt, "World Under Control", the first album of a new French combo Uncolored Wishes, is one of the best surprises of the French Metal scene this year..." Lire la suite c'est ici : http:/...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:34:00 PST

05/10/2007 : Chronique de l’album chez "U-Zine"

"Qu'il est dur de se détacher des normes et de sortir du conformisme! Mais ce que nous croyons contrôler est toujours ce qui nous échappe le plus&" Lire la suite c'est ici : http://www.u-zine.net/chro...
Posted by Uncolored Wishes on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 04:40:00 PST