art, tea, acupuncture, teaching and education, learning Korean, love, sexuality, journals, collecting bizarre experiences, documenting stuff (like everything)
I don't have one. Don't miss it either.Instead here are some things I hope to see: Dancing with Alicia and Mr. Pops Locksnbagelsin Montreal, more beaches with Eleni, Hong Kong to visit Denise, a trip to Sydney to see Mr. Giles, and a long overdue cup of tea with Vivian in Amsterdam.
most inspired by... Karen Finley, Charles Searles, Yayoi Kusama, Adrian Piper, Cathleen Spicer, Vivian Wenli Lin, Judy Chicago, Jacob Lawrence, Annie Sprinkle, Yoko Ono, DaVinci, James Dupree, Howardena Pindell, Duchamp, Cindy Jeffers, Matthew Barney, Frida Kahlo, Chris Burden, Betye Saar, James Clar, Vito Acconci, Xenobia Bailey, John Stone, Walter De Maria, Baroness Else von Freytag-Loringhoven.