Other people like myself who know how to do "theme" dances such as the carlton,the lawnmower,the harlem shake,the karate chop,the kid n play,the running man,the cabage patch,the bus stop,the shopping cart and so many others. And also the kid who got himself stuck inside the claw machine!
Ted Leo,dismemberment plan, fire theft, grandaddy,del the funky homosapien,pedro the lion,denali,sonic youth,hey mercedes,sunny day,mars volta,badly dawn boy,broken social scene,Guided by voices,the beatles,the walkmen,the shins,flake music,wicked farleys,modest mouse,talking heads,31 knots,the medications,don cabelaro,postal service,bright eyes,sparta,mogwai,fugazi,minor threat,hot snakes,rocket from the crypt,pretty girls make graves,radiohead,built to spill,cool keith,dinosaur jr,j.mascis and the fog,death cab for cutie,shiner,cursive,the kinks,rolling stones,farragut, interpool,blonde red head,aphex twin,do make say think,tone,godspeed,a problem of alarming dimensions,life & times, Bear vs. Shark ! I like alot of things as long as it is no country,glam rap,pop,or anything they play on suck ass mtv!
Donnie Darko,Traffic,Good Fellas,Casino,Old school,Cool Hand luke,Nightmare on Elm Street,Color of Money,Coming to America,Where the buffalo roam, Lost In translatinon,fear and loathing,clerks,dogma,basketball diarys,sin city,buffalo 66, etc.
I like south park,sapranos,chaplle show,lost,carnivale,Family guy,Rome,adam corolla project,ali g, prison break.
Anything by hunter s. thompson or art books!
The Kool Aid Man! For quenching our thirst for years!!