[These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things]
[01] - Art
[02] - Body Modification
[03] - Books
[04] - Candle-lit Bubble Baths
[05] - Use of the word CUNT
[06] - Dancing
[07] - Integrity
[08] - Meeting People
[09] - Mew-sick
[10] - The Modern Primitive Movement
[11] - Philosophies
[12] - Subculture
[13] - Tribal culture
Modern primitives, club kids, intellectuals, leisure readers, artists, poets, street punks, philosphers, rockstars, nobodies, feminists, riot grrrls, photographers, friends, fans, circus freaks, carnies, writers, piercers, tattoo artists, suspension teams, and teenagers who sit alone in the cafeteria.
♥ ♠ ♥ ♠
I do not accept friend requests from bands. However, I LOVE NEW MEWSICK! So, if you are a musician with a sound you think I might enjoy, shoot me a message. I will check out your sound and send you an addy if I dig it. xo
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very High
Level 7 (Violent) Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Moderate
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
[Favourite bands/singers + 1 song by them]
[01] - Kidney Thieves - Pretty
[02] - Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids - Lunchbox.demo version
[03] - Perfect Circle - Sleeping Beauty
[04] - Dresden Dolls - Good Day
[05] - VNV Nation - Honour (there are many better but that is a club favorite)
[06] - Pigface - Nutopia
[07] - Tori Amos - Purple People
[08] - Wumpscut - Christfuck
[09] - Graeme Revell - We Belong Dead
[10] - Everlast - Black Jesus
[11] - Rancid - I Wanna Riot
[12] - Joydrop - Cocoon
[13] - Placebo - Post Blue
[Favourite movies]
[01] - The Crow
[02] - Scarface
[03] - Casino
[04] - Tank Girl
[05] - Ichi the Killer
[06] - May
[07] - Girl Interrupted
[08] - City of Lost Children
[09] - Domino
[10] - Cool World
[11] - The Basketball Diaries
[12] - Seven
[13] - Animatrix
[Favourite Books]
[01] - Imajica by Clive Barker
[02] - Swan Song by Robert McCammon
[03] - Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
[04] - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
[05] - Cunt by Inga Musico
[06] - Hardcore Zen - Brad Warner
[07] - Faerie Tales - The Brothers Grimm
[08] - The Satanic Bible - Anton Lavey
[09] - The Virtue of Selfishness - Ayn Rand
[10] - Modern Primitives - Fakir Musafar
[11] - Storyteller - Leslie Marmon Silko
[12] - Long Hard Road Out of Hell by Marilyn Manson
[13] - Junior by Macaully Culkin
[Books I've Read This Year]
[01]Lost -Gary Devon
[02]Boy's Life -Robert McCammon
[03]Haunted -Chuck Palahniuk
[04]Courtney Love -Poppy Z. Brite
[05]New Moon -Stephanie Meyer
[06]Blinking With Fists -Billy Corgan
[07]20-something Essays by 20-something Writers
[08]Stranger Than Fiction by Chuck Palahnuik
[09]Baltimore -Mike Mignola & Christopher Golden
[10]Are You Crazy?
[11]For Us The Living -Robert Heinlein
[12]The Perks of Being a Wallflower -Stephen Chbosky
[13]Dreams of Decadence
[14]Violent Cases -Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean
[15]Clubbing -Andi Watson & Josh Howard
[16]A Clockwork Orange -Anthony Burgess
[17]Naked Lunch -William S. Borroughs
[18]Black Orchid -Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean
[19]Batman/Scarcrow Tales -Vaious Authors and Illustrators
[20]Choke- Chuck Palahniuk
[21]Diary -Chuck Palahniuk
[22]Plucker -Brom
I am currently reading:
"When Sex Was Dirty" by:Josh Alan Friedman
Lord & Lady J.