EMOTER Basics:
e•mot'er n.
Back-formation from emotion.
intr.v. e•mot•ed, e•mot•ing, e•motes
To express emotion, especially in an excessive or theatrical manner: "The more she emotes, the less he listens, and the less he listens, the more strident and emotive she becomes" (Maggie Scarf).
e•mote v.
1. to show or pretend emotion
2. to portray emotion in acting, “The actress emoted for all she was worthâ€.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
About EMOTER :
I AM SECURE IN MY OWN INSECURITIES and band biography's are dumb, cuz they can write whatever, using as many descriptive words as you can handle, as well as dropping names and mentioning some accomplishments to tell you how much better (or wealthier) they are than you, but here's the thing: you're going to make you own judgements irregardless...
...and any type of art is best that way.
EMOTER "officially", oddly enough, has never actually had a full complete band practice, with a complete member line up, with a complete set list. And to the external world: 2003 marked the "official" beginning of sucking hardcore for any voluntary - or involuntary - ears (besides Miss Porter's mom, brother, or any annoyed neighbours).
Soon after began a revolving door of musicians. "To list names would take another section entirely, but you know who you are...and thanks, but no thanks...wuah-ha-ha!", Alison laughs, "Kidding! You all rock in your own way! Especially Gillian and Chrissy..."
EMOTER "un-officially" is - the one and only - Alison Porter. Writing, composing, as well as being musically trained on-and-mostly-off, taught herself guitar (as you can probablly tell) in and around Durham Region suburbia (what a wannabe punk) with help from her bass-player-extraordinaire brother, Graham Porter.
Writing intensification began after witnessing a messy divorce at age 12 and naturally developed a habitual, textbook, self-destructive lifestyle. Coincidence? I think not. "At least I'm sober now!!! And my therapist says explaining anything else is none of your business" defends ex-lushmuffin, Alison.
I can tell you one thing: this bitch is contradiction aaand has bigger balls than all the boys - AND - feminist egos rubbed together."
~ anonymous.
EMOTER will never be better than you, however, "...the doctor says I'm special..." adds Miss Porter. "This shit will always be a work-in-progress." Therefore, losers make excuses, winners make it happen. EMOTER will continue to write, compose, and play music - with or without making a red cent - until death knocks down the door.
I just realized that I AM that powerful female I always, desperately
, wanted to be, for as long as I can remember. I am stronger than I think."
~ declares emotist, Alison Porter (circa 2007).
Contact EMOTER :
[email protected]
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