I'd like to meet:
Quello stronzo che suona il campanello alle 8 di mattina e si dilegua prima che io arrivi al citofono.
It could be a long list... Bay Area Thrash Metal is my favourite + Death Metal + all the other kinds of metal worth to be called so (read as: nu-metal fans stay away from me XD ); Hard Rock; Blues; Classical...
Too many bands to write them all @_@ i'll do it another day
My contact table says it all.
(I would like to say L.O.T.R. too, but since it's my pref book i can't like much the movie for several reasons)
Looney Tunes...and that's all folks!
I read everything but my favs are Fantasy, Ancient History, Mythology, XIX century horror, literature, Arts/Architecture/Archaeology books. My fav writers/books are: J.R.R.Tolkien (The Lord of The Rings+Silmarillion+The Hobbit+ all the others) Tito Livio (Ab Urbe Condita), Homer (Odyssey), H.P. Lovecraft (all), R.L.Stevenson (The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde+Treasure Island), E.A. Poe (all), I.Calvino (Il Visconte dimezzato+Marcovaldo), R.A.Salvatore (Forgotten Realms saga), L. Tolstoj (Anna Karenina), F.M. Dostoevskij (Delitto e Castigo+I fratelli Karamà zov), O. Wilde (Il Ritratto di Dorian Gray), C. Dickens (D.Copperfield+The Christmas Books+Oliver Twist), I.Asimov, L. Pirandello, J.W. Goethe, A.C. Doyle and maaaany more I can't write them all, I read books everyday since I learned to read...
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