eating coconut icecream topped with hot dark chocolate... singing, doodling, painting, drawing, scribbling, lazing, sowing, telling stories to children, writing, reading poetry, writing poetry, strumming the guitar, drinking, playing with puppets, and more drinking
FinEl amor llegó y trepó por paredes viscosas, brillando.Buscó la hendidura por donde colarse, dejando.Tras de sÃ, añicos de dientes, macerando.Mentones dislocados, un poso de somnÃferos, macerando.
tindersticks,pj harvey, jane..s addiction, the god machine, serge gainsbourg, nick cave, marianne faithfull, dominique a,francoise breut, nina nastacia, pulp, pooka, lauryn hill, peter thompson, babes in toyland,vivaldi..s glorias, the breeders, le tigre, the cowboy junkies, curve, erik satie, beth orton, clinic and many many mooooore
toto by pierre etaix, ridicule & girl on bridge by patrice leconte, the science of sleep by michel gondry, dracula by coppola, corps bride by tim burton, sunset boulevard by billy wilder,lilies by john greyson, dangerous liasons by stephen frears...
black adder, bread
treasure island/rl stevenson, el llano en llamas/rulfo, lou andrea salome..s biography, el amor en los tiempos del colera/ marquez, les fleurs du mal/baudelaire, antologia poética/jose angel valente, the uses of enchantment/bruno bettelheim, tao te chiing/lao tse, fairy tales, divine comedy/dante, urbi et orbi/david leo garcia, jim boton y lucas el maquinista/ende, un peuple de promeneurs/romanes, le lait de lóranger/giselle halimi, las dominaciones/jose luis c ...
agnes martin, lou andreas salome, saul williams, david lynch, pierre etaix, marvin gaye, maria moliner, dr emoto, mother teresa of calcutta, tortell poltrona... all the workers and children of the world