GOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is my #1 interest. Not my number one priority, but what I love to do in my free time. One thing I like to do but hardly ever do is GAMBLE! People are so wreckless with their money sometimes, poker is just not a good idea. Hanging out with good, true, successful friends is a must. Working hard and playing hard, almost any sporting activity, know
Classy people with goals. My sweetheart. aim latinlouver
I listen to music mostly when driving, so I like songs that get the kickers kickin in the ZZZZZZZ
Sportscenter, ufc, napping to golf, Oh, and of course BOOYAKASHA, respect.
I try to get some wisdom from the bible, never can get to much of the word!
God is proudly my #1 hero. Second are the troops! There are more but its late.