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Villains Of Vaudeville

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VILLAINS OF VAUDEVILLE--Beats that threaten to entrance your soul, rifts that will rake you from the flames of hell to the rapture of heaven... Listening is a surrender to this rite of passage... An initiation to the dance... You’ve been warned.
Villains of Vaudeville is Kenny Kweens' newest musical project. Who are the Villains of Vaudeville? "I think they’re the voices inside my head and if so, I wish they would keep it down... I'm trying to think." The sound of Villains of Vaudeville is a heavy dose of nasty guitar riffs, non stop pounding drum beats, dirty bass guitar, and the raspy vocals of Kweens. Kenny is best known for playing bass guitar in the hard rock band Beautiful Creatures, but on Villains of Vaudeville he moves to center mic. “I really never wanted to sing. I didn’t even like singing back up in other projects and I don’t really consider what I do singing. It’s more like gargling with gasoline, but hey, some people have made a pretty good living breathing fire.” The Villains first three songs 'Plastic Jesus' - 'The Devil Is Waiting' and 'Demolition Baby' were produced by Tracy Swider (Hate Times Nine) mixed and mastered by Anthony Focx (Beautiful Creatures).
Los Angeles, California
United States

My Interests


Member Since: 1/23/2007
Type of Label: None

My Blog

And The Winner is....

Kristy Overby of Mesa, Arizona! We would like to thank everyone for taking the time to try to figure out what the hell it is that I am saying....  This whole thing started when I was talking...
Posted by Villains Of Vaudeville on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:25:00 PST

Demolition Baby

I just got back from AFocx Mastering Lab and I am glad to say that the new song by VOV 'Demolition Baby' is finished.  Tracy Swider (Producer) and Anthony Focx (Mixing and Mastering) did a f...
Posted by Villains Of Vaudeville on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 10:12:00 PST