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Sagittarius Gallery

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My Interests

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Type O Negative, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Stabbing Westward, Flaw, Metallica (before "Load" which was a load of shit and beyond heh...), Deftones, Killswitch Engage, Shattersphere, Opeth, Sepultura, Trivium, Unearth, Section 8, Hatebreed, The Cure, War Time Manner, From Autumn to Ashes, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Black Dahlia Murder, Children of Bodom, Cipher, Still Remains, Nodes of Ranvier, God Forbid, Bury Your Dead, Blood for Blood, The Burning Season, The Acacia Strain, E-Town Concrete, Diecast, Atreyu, As Cities Burn, One King Down, Heaven Shall Burn, Acid Bath, All That Remains, Rage Against the Machine, Pantera, Rammstein, Queensryche, Sworn Enemy, All Out War, Most Precious Blood, Orgy, Megadeth, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty, Eagles, Primus, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Moody Blues, Sublime, Marley,'s pretty varied....


Lord of the Rings trilogy, Kill Bill I and 11, Pulp Fiction, Legend, Better Off Dead, The Breakfast Club, Gladiator, Say Anything, Sixteen Candles, 3000 Miles to Graceland, Dawn of the Dead, Requiem for a Dream, The Replacements, Varsity Blues, anything Bond (except for "Never Say Never Again...that one was such shit), Silence of the Lambs, Constantine, Devil's Advocate, Heat, Stigmata, Full Metal Jacket. Most recently Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Donnie Darko, yeah I know - never saw them but am glad I have now...there's a lot of them....I have to say I also really like renting the cheesiest horror movies available, getting drunk, and celebrating their under budget corny nastiness in all of its B rated glory.


Sopranos, Family Guy, The Sheild, Rescue Me, The Riches...Mostly anything made by FX lol. Well, mostly. Hate Dirt and not so keen on Nip Tuck. Don't generally watch too many shows cause I usually just watch movies and such hence the really long list above heh.


Art books - Vitamin P, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, all the text books from my college courses on art history....


We could be heroes...just for one day....

My Blog

Copycat artist tries to be me....

The bottom is mine, painted 6/2006. Top is an artist named Brandi Powell, painted after 4/2007, after she cited my work as "inspiration" for another piece she uploaded to her deviantART account when h...
Posted by Sagittarius Gallery on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:05:00 PST

The Manifesto of the Self-representing Artist

I am of a new generation of professional artists. Artists who don't need to whore themselves to an unforgiving gallery system with their noses in the air looking for the next big thing and undoubtedly...
Posted by Sagittarius Gallery on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:25:00 PST

My work included in Projekt30's April show

My work has been juried into Projekt30's April exhibition My portal is the icon on the second row from the top, second from the right :). It will be showcased until the end of April and will be archiv...
Posted by Sagittarius Gallery on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 05:06:00 PST

Outsider Art - the great misunderstanding

The debate on outsider art and the terms usage in auctions and the art world in general is about as interesting as two cars crossing the double yellow lines and careening into one another head on. No ...
Posted by Sagittarius Gallery on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:47:00 PST


Lofty censorship of personal opinion and individual contemplation of spiritual, religious, and political the end of the day all that is censored in such a manner is censored based upon mo...
Posted by Sagittarius Gallery on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:47:00 PST