On the face of it, JAXSTER may seem like yet another creative audio production company, the difference lies in the man himself, JACKO. Already widely regarded by his peers in the industry as one of the funniest & sharpest guys out there, JACKO also possesses one of the most individually creative minds in audio production today……If all you require for imaging are FX loaded sweepers where a voice over, compressed & flanged through a dynamic EQ, tries to convince listeners they’re tuned in to a station based in Southern California, rather than Bognor Regis or Milton Keynes & you’re not up for making your station stand out from the crowd, I will gladly give you a phone number of the jingle giants in Dallas, Texas. They’ll happily provide you with some extremely slick & expensive jingles or sweepers…. exactly like the ones they did for your competition the week before. On the other hand you want something equally well produced, a little off the wall & uniquely individual to YOU, JAXSTER is just the place to get it……
While Topical Comedy is another of JAXSTER’s strongest suits it doesn’t end there, Jingles, sweepers & his extremely entertaining promo concepts that work for both advertisers & stations without detracting from the entertainment value of the programming….. Whether it’s concepts of his own or the bare bones of ideas from clients, JACKO proves time & again, he is one of few in commercial radio with the tools & talent to turn those ideas into entertaining radio & generate revenue for a station….. for a free sample of any of Jaxster’s many creative outlets, message here with your Email for a free sample…
L8R JkO!!..