(James 1:2)My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing I LOVE JESUS CHRIST HE IS MY SAVIOR AND EVERYTHING TO ME THE ONLY ONE I CAN COUNT ON IN LIFE I UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED HIM IN EVERYTHING I DO AND I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE TO GLORIFY HIM. ANYTHING ELSE IS OF NO MEANING TO ME ITLL BE HERE ONE DAY AND GONE THE NEXT. JUST BECAUSE IM CHRISTAN DOESNT MEAN IM PERFECT I DO MAKE MISTAKES THAT SHOULD TAKE ME RIGHT TO HELL BUT THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME GOING IS JESUS CHRIST AND HIS LOVING GRACE AND MERCY THAT IS NEW EVERY TIME I WAKE UP. GOD HAS SOMETHING FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US BUT SADLY SOMETIMES WE RUN FROM HIM WHEN HE JUST WANTS TO DRAW CLOSE TO US. GOD IS LOVE! (gil205)i love GOD, art, illustraton, sneakers, people, my family, and the very few that i consider true friends but all these are the very last of my concerns god is my #1