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The 2nd of our flagship products being Mito-Gold. It is also a stabilized, excipient-free, natural sustained release, mitochondrially targeted formula. Best utilized when taken with Carnitine-PLUS.* The only sustained-release R-lipoic in the world* Promotes natural cellular ATP production, you feel energized, rejuvenation effect* Powerful antioxidant* Glycemic control - Improves your glucose intake and utilization* Can actually reverse enzyme and DNA oxidative damage* Exhibits anti-cancer effects* Reduces appetite* Decreases fat accumulation* Increases lean muscle mass* Lowers triglyceride levels* Can work synergistically with other cholesterol lowering medications*Modulates inflammation throughout your body* Neuroprotects* Chelates toxic heavy metals from body***The Delta-tocotrienols exhibit the following components:• Reduces cardiovascular risk • Enhances immune function • Repairs nerve damage • Lowers cholesterol, triglyceride levels • Increases bone density, reduces osteoporosis • Increases endogenous production of CoQ10***Please visit our company site for more information and ordering!
We distinguish ourselves through the successful synergy of our R&D, manufacturing processes, innovative delivery systems and marketing departments to position us as the leader in RLA and R-DHLA for the quality and value products.Why use RLA(R-Lipoic acid)/R-DHLA(R-Dihydrolipoic acid) instead of ALA(Alpha Lipoic acid)? 1. ALA is an inexpensive, 50/50 mixture of the R-(natural) and its mirror image S (unnatural) isomer. 2. S-lipoic acid (SLA) is a by-product of chemical synthesis and may inhibit the most essential properties of the R form, including interactions with proteins, enzymes and genes. 3. RLA/R-DHLA has been shown to be 10 times more effective than ALA for reducing inflammation. This demonstrates SLA is interfering with the activity of RLA.Why combine RLA/R-DHLA? 1. Using the combination of RLA and R-DHLA mimics Mother Nature. Our studies have shown that the mixture increases plasma concentrations of RLA significantly higher than RLA alone. 2. RLA/R-DHLA maintains the plasma redox status. Modulating the plasma redox state may be one of the most effective means of controlling age-related increases in oxidative stress.• GeroNova manufactures and supplies the only shelf and plasma stable, highly bio-available RLA/R-DHLA in the world.We are proud to be the leaders and to set the industry standards for R-Lipoic acid and related products.