I love history,auto racing, music,the ocean , Brewing ( only whith Jim) Comedy , cooking out, anything I get to do whith my kids and building historical modles when I get the chance...
Myself in ten years.
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avery thing from jazz to metal, from Patsie Cline to Godsmack.............Journey is my all time fave
StarWars,Better off Dead, Full Metal Jacket,The Rock, Top Secret,Seven ,Top Gun, Force ten from Navrone,Saveing private ryan,Red Dawn, The out siders,Jaws,Space Balls, Monty Pythons Holly Grail,Ghost Busters, Dirty Harry,Th Great Out Doors,The Three amigos, Enamy mine,The good, the bad , and the ugly, The outlaw Josie Wailes, High plaines drifter,The Teminator,Highlander,Breave Heart,Ferris Buellers day off, The last Samuri,Cars,Animal House, 1942,Army of Darkness, 7,Weird Sciance,Indiana Jones,Die Hard,Blazeing Saddels,Band of Brothers,Cast Away.all the star trek movies, if its funny, I will watch it, iI find horror movies quite funny but love to be twisted,
Heros, My name is Earl, The Office, Mash, Taxi, Law and order, Ghoast Hunters, Dead Wood,Speed tv,mythbusters,Top Gear,I love pbs.
Almost anything that has to do whith world war 2, Tolkien, Steven King and what ever looks good to read...lol
My Mom, My kids , everyone in are armed forces and The Man