1. Neptune is not a god that excercises meek forgiveness . He punishes swiftly and harshly . Blaspheme and you might not experience his wondrous rains when you need it most . By the way , even sarcastically acknowledging Neptune makes you a member , so watch ur werdz. 2. Remember , rain is a gift from the sea . Neptune does not have to feed the land so often and is very selective with his cloud formation patterns . Dry countries have no excuse , so thank Neptune when it rains . 3. Neptune doesn't appreciate it that the Americans claim to have planted their flag on his son(the moon) . 4. These topics: Alphabiotics, activator methods, advanced BioStructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Alexander, Atlas Orthogonal, Active Release Technique, Applied Spinal Biomechanics Engineering, Auricular, Barge Analysis, Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique, B.E.S.T., Bio Magnetic, Blair, Biomechanics, Chiropractic Biophysics, Brimhall Technique, Carver Technique, CHRANE, Coder, Cox, CPK, Contact Reflex Analysis, Cranial, Coupled Reduction, CranioSacral Therapy, Concept Therapy Institute, Cervical Drop Headpiece, Diversified, Directional Non-Force Technique, Thompson, Electric Myofa, Flexion-Distraction, Gonstead, Grostic, Harris Technique, Hole in one, Kale, Logan Basic, Leander, Life College Cervical, Manual Adjusting, Markey Technique, McKenzie Technique, Meric, Motion Analysis (Palpation), Myfascial, N.A.E.T., Neuro Organization Technique, Neuro Vascualr Dynamics, Pettibon, Palmer Package, Pierce, Pierce Stillwagon Technique, Reception Tonus, Spinal Biomechanics, Spinal Biophysics, Sacro Occipital Technique, Spears Technique, Soft Tissue, Soft Tissue, Stucky Technique, Sweat, Total Body Modification, Terminal Point, Toftness, Trigger Point Therapy, Toggle Recoil, Traction, Torque Release Technique, Travell Soft Tissue, Upper Cervical, Ungerank Technique, Urinalysis, Versendal, Vector Point Therapy, Zindler Techniquetest
A True Human
Any music with transcendant value . Neptune appreciates music that transports the listener instead of stimulating genitals .
Movies have lost true artistic merit and the industry has resulted in a mirror for mass accepted moral values to feed its own grip on a chimpanzee herd mentality that constantly threatens work of real value . Even films of some value are forced selectively to adhere to these set values in order to sustain themselves in a culture that requires somewhat of a capitalist diseased mindset even just to attain nourishment . That is why Neptune sez :"Fuck Movies" .
Neptune is not even interested in expanding on the subject of television .
Books are the shavings of dead trees