I am iterested in tons of things. I really enjoy the outdoors, and I really enjoy flirting.
If there was one person in all of the world and all of the history I would choose........HELL IF I KNOW!!!!
As far as music goes I like upbeat rap, R&B, some hip-hop, some and most upbeat country, and metal, grunge, and old skool rock.
Since I am on my own movies are a luxery I have few, but some of my favorites are Lake Placid, Charlies Angels 1 and 2, and severl more I do enjoy cartoons also.
When I get to control a television I will immediately surf for the following shows: Who's line is it anyways, MXC, fairlyodd Parents, spongebob, then I hit the movie section.
AAhhhh books now there is a topic in itself. Dean Koontz I am particulier fond of and Mary Higgens Clarke. If you want to read a sick book read Intensity byDean, and if you want to read a sick book by Mary read All Around Town, that one is my fav...
Heroes heroes, well this may sound strange but I find myself being my hero, I have had to deal with more of my own crap then anyone, yes I do seek advice once in a while but overall I have taught myself very well, and saved my own ass a few times.