Music, Fun, Growth, Sex, Feasible Truth
Someone who knows how to deal with their issues as well as their good fortune. A person person w/ a "Switzerland" perspective on life. Can YOU live outside of your enculturation?Don't prove it to me, prove it to yourself.
Steve Vai (this is key), Testament, Soundgarden, Rage Against the Machine (related projects), System, That One Guy and the Magic Pipe, They Might Be Giants, Slayer, G'N'F'N'R, Motley Crue(before they lost their balls),Poison(Oh yeah), TOOL, The Castpattern(local), Buckethead, Primus and all of Les Claypool's projects, Dream Theater, Some of Marilyn Manson's work-regardless he's a brilliant individual,Pretty much anything from any era or genre that doesn't suck.
Anything w/ sensless -or- sensible violence. John Waters. Others with the stuff that get me excited.
Heroes, House, Family Guy, Brak Show,the, Aquateens.Sports suck. (at least on television) Live they,re like battles in the roman colosseum, and that rocks.Oh,yeah. The Office, SouthPark, etc...
All of Daniel Quin's work. The Portable Jung, a compilation edited by Joseph Campbell. Also, all of Joseph Campbell's work. A series I have yet to finish called "Otherland." also will have to look up the author. [In a weird state right now.]
Steve Vai. My Mother & Father. the Rodvelt family.