Hi! *waves* I'm Brandi. I am 28 years old and live in Morgan Hill. Oh yeah, Kaitlin rocks!
That of course has to be in there because well...Kaitlin is helping me set this up =P Hmmmm lets see about me....SOOOO much to tell...and so much I shouldnt. Ok well I have lived in Morgan Hill FOREVER never lived anywhere else. But traveled around the world with family and the Live Oak Band ::WOOHOO LIVE OAK RULES!:: I have both my parents living in the house still so yay for that...to many divorces these days! Gots me a little brother...who is not so little anymore =/ can't beat him up anymore...My puppy dog is Waffle who is like the coolest dog on the planet...who says having a few screws loose is bad??? My dad says she takes after me =D hmm..maybe that wasn't a compliment?
I teach music, have for 15 years now..Love it!!! My students are awesome they keep me going and make me want to teach more when I see them get better and have fun with something so awesome...cept Kaitlin..she's a work in progress...I teach clarinet as my main instrument but can and enjoy teaching saxophone and flute as well. I'm not one to say I can do something that I can't...but I won't go into that.
I've been in music all my life, grew up with it in the house. Dad's a teacher now retired.
I have a great job, I'm a project manager for a flooring and window covering store, I get to go out on jobs and my boss is really fun to work with.
WOOHOO!!! I moved out!!! Got my own place! Yay me!
I love rollerblading but with living on a hill...wellllll lets just say theres a house at the bottom of the hill that I don't think the people that live there currently would like me just flying through their window randomly when I felt like going for a skate. Reading and playing video game are my other 2 biggest addictions....video games will be the death of me, either cuz I can't get away or because my parents will kill me for not stopping long enough to even have a conversation with them.
Well for now...thats me in a nutshell =P Gives the basics!