°o.O Desirée O.o° profile picture

°o.O Desirée O.o°

Essex Raider for life!

About Me

AND NO ONE ELSE ~I am a mother, if you have a problem with it the fuck off~ I have dark red hair, blue eyes and im 5'4. I like being around people that I get along with..*-* I love spending time outdoors, playing sports and just having a good time. I do have msn so if you want to add me just let me know..

My Interests

I like alot of things from reading to writing,from listening to music to hanging out with my friends and meeting new people.Watching movies,piercings,Grumpy Bear,and alot of other things...I also like horse back riding.The person who inspires me do live my life to the fullest and be more independent and that is Chris...I also like going to the beach..I love to play my guitar..

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet Kendall again! R.I.P Sweetie!33 People who are down to earth and easy going.People who just want to be friends.And people who don't care about what other people think of them.


These kick ass bands from Canada.. Another True Story, My Terminal Ritual, The Hemingway Solution, Trailor Park Sex Cowboys, Ictus, Sunset Romance and others.. * I listen to pretty much anything.. Mostly rock..pretty much what ever is playing on 89X. I also listen to country *Rascle Flatts, Within Temptation,Turbonegro,Social Code, She Wants Revenge,Megadeath, Under Oath,Another True Story, Saves The Day,Atreyu,Interpol,Otep,Kittie,stabbing westward,HIM,the 69 eyes,CKY,placebo,smile empty soul,poison,five for fighting,mastodon,biohazard,gob,dmx,cannibal corpse,dildo warheads,entwine,orgy,insane clown posse,korn,godsmack,slipknot,marlyn manson,sex pistols,saliva,disturbed,switch foot,finger eleven,311,P.O.D,N.E.R.D,fear factory,gob,silver stein,finch,lost prophets,audioslave,rob zombie,white zombie,red hot chilli peppers,the donnas,the calling,taproot,tool,dead mans child,story of the year,AFI,new found glory,the all-american rejects,blink 182,distillers,nirvana,incubus,cradle of filth,deftones,greenday,thursday,taking back sunday,jet,simple plan,good charlotte,janis joplin,John Mayer,Static-x,The starting line,Deadlights,Snow Patrol,Dead Emotion,Death Cab for Cutie,Pentara,Godsmack,Slipknot,Stabbing Westward,AC/DC,Metallica,Drowning Pool,,Letterkills,Kittie,Marilyn Manson,Greenday,Yellowcard,Good Charlotte,Distillers,Linkin Park Finger Eleven,Switchfoot,Saliva,Smashing Pumpkins,Dashboard Confessional,DMX,AFI,Audioslave,Shadows Fall,Mastodon,Biohazard,Story of the Year,3 Days Grace,Sum41,Gob,Default,Cannibal Corpse,Trapt,Chavelle,Trust Company,Finch,Box Car Racer,System of a Down,Incubus,The Vines,Evanescence,Static X,Fuel,Coldplay,The Calling, and, Brand New.


**Fun With Dick and Jane, Just Friends, V for Vendetta, Yours,Mine and Ours,Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas,Jeepers Creepers 1&2,Good Will Hunting, Mall Rats, Robin Hood:Men in Tights,all the chuckie movies,The Crow,The Village,The Grudge,Rocky Horror Picture Show,Edward scissor hands,Cabin Fever,White Noise,Texas Chainsaw Masicure,The Care Bear movie,40 Days and 40 Nights,Hallow Man, White Oleander and others**


Viva La Bam,CSI,Family Guy,Simpsons,One Tree Hill and others.


[]===["""|"""|"""|"""|"""]|)------- * *Desperation by Stephen King and the dark tower series,The House by Bently Little,Sweet Blood by Pete Hautman* * -------|["""|"""|"""|"""|]===[]


Kendall is my one of my hero's. She died doing something she loved. She taught me how to be a better person, how to live life to the fullest and how to make the best of everything. R.I.P Kendall. I love you hun!My mom is one hero.She has cancer and still manages to do things everyone else does even if it hurts her.She is trying to give my sister and I the best life possible. I love you mom!My grandpa and Cale (RIP), Chris, Dewert,Derek, Tiffany, Ryan and Brandon.

My Blog

The bulletin my best friend posted for me

kay this bulletin is dedicated to one of my best friends.she has been one of my best friends for like 8 years now.some quick info*Name: Desiree Dawn PriceHigh school: Belle RiverMyspace URL: http://ww...
Posted by °o.O Desirée O.o° on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:08:00 PST

My insperation, my life and my best friend.

This is something I had to write for school and had to get signed. When I showed it to my mom and she read it she cried. The person I admire and respect is my mom. My mom is the youngest female in her...
Posted by °o.O Desirée O.o° on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:57:00 PST

A poem someone wrote for me.

Our Love Forever Soars   The moments we share are sweet melodies Enriching our lives in manners nobody see's. You are my essence, my soul and my heart Meant for eachother, we shall never depart. ...
Posted by °o.O Desirée O.o° on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 05:05:00 PST