Interiorarchitect selling furniture, Occasional Artist and recordspinner, Living happily together with my wife Sazz in Rotterdam.
A life without partys is like a long road without halting-places. Demokritus (460-370 B.C.) Een leven zonder feesten is als een lange weg zonder pleisterplaatsen. Demokritus (460-370 v. Chr.)
Dubstep/Grime/Garage/Breaks/Breakbeat/Electro/Mentalism/Tech no.. Ninja Freaks, Various production, Moving Ninja, Shackleton, S.N.O, Random Trio, Wadadda, Paul Blackford, D1, Istari Lasterfahrer, GOTH-TRAD, Vex'd, zcuba, 2562, Anstam, Lowdubs ,Timeblind, Ramadanman, troubleandbass, Si Begg, Ed Chamberlain, Deekline & Wizard, Tipper, Dj-Zinc, Milanese, LukesAnger, CURSORMINER, ATKI2, Modeselektor, Timeblind, T++, ELEMENTAL, Trouble & Bass, Cyrus, DMZ, SKREAM, Bass clef, Dub Police, Loefah, Kode 9, Warlock, Noyeahno, Blackmass Plastics, Caustic Window, Aphex Twin, Kromestar, Mochipet, Slaughtermob, Syntheme, Dj Chef, Gilox, Siuli K.O. Subliminal Criminal, Spindoctor Ries, Co2Ro, Miss Louzy, Just, Sazz & all those who do make the difference ;)
Hitchhickers Guide Through the Galaxy,The Big Lebowski,One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Everyone who is still searching for the magic sparks to fly
and all the voyagers of the void filling space in time with fresh beats