Yña profile picture


u Th!nK u kNow, buT u haVe No !dEa...

About Me

TRyiN' to make evrythin' siMpLe and rEaL... iMa SuckEr foR Love... a ReaL cRybaBy... i Luv daNcin... sLeepin'... aNd just buMmin' out wiTh maH baby...Ü LuV yaH suNgeT! ;P YeAH!

My Interests

=Þ color GREEN, DaNCiNG !!!, PicTuRes, FooD, c0oKiNg, MaH BeD [zZzzzZzzZ...], PCs, AnGeLiNa JoLiE, BaSkeTBaLL & WES!!! =Þ, aLLeN iVerSon, YBs and CBs..Ü, JohN MaYeR, TaNkToPs, wRiTin' oN MaH JouRnaL, DeBiTS-CrEdiTs, PayRoLL AccouNTs, FuNd TraNsFers.... aNd My Baby Boi... nyaHAHA!

I'd like to meet:

fRieNdLy-HappY-PeOpLe... =)friendster acct: [email protected]


BoNe ThUgS-N-HaRMoNy, BLaCk eYeD PeAs, UsHeR & aLiciA kEys, LuDaCriS, NeLLy, iNcUBuS, JoHN MaYeR, JaSoN MRaZ, RIVERMAYA, VerTicAL HoRiZoN, MaRooN 5, SWiNg OuT SiSTeRs, and 80's HiTs!


-dazed&confused-, empire records, crazy beautiful, save the last dance, coyote ugly, centerstage, tomb raider, hackers, she's all that, down to you, sweetest thing, boys & girls, 40 days & 40 nights, how to lose a guy in 10 days, 50 FIRST DATES...Ü HoNey, You Got Served.


MTV's PiMp My RiDe & ETC ShOws...