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underscene project


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Bu proje Merve Sendil tarafindan yürütülmekte olup ayni zamanda Nejat Sati projenin yan kollarinda kendisine yardim etmektedir. _______________________________________________________ Underscene Project, profesyonel anlamda dolasima girmemis müzik gruplarinin her türlü kayitlarinin ve bunlarla baglantili materyallerinin derlenip arsivlendigi büyük ve kapsamli bir havuzdur.(gelistirilebilir açik arsiv). Bu projenin temelleri 1998 yilindan bu güne kadar topladigim yayinlanmamis kayitlara dayaniyor. 2005 yilinda “Digerlerinin Sansi” adli sergi için hazirlamis oldugum “OnAir” albümüyle bir kismini ilk kez görücüye çikardigim kendi amatör müzik arsivim, 2006 yilinda Underscene Project adini aldi ve kapsami genisleyerek simdiki tanimini kazandi.Bu proje için geçmiste topladigim demo kayitlarinin disinda baska bir yol izleyerek siniflandirma yöntemine gitmekteyim. Bu açik arsivleme ayni zamanda , herhangi bir plak sirketine bagli olmaksizin müzik yapan(cover gruplari da buna dahil olmak üzere) gruplarin kendi imkanlariyla yaptiklari kayitlari, konserleri, konser afisleri, flyerlari ve bunun gibi yan materyallerinin derlenmesini de içeriyor. Underscene Project’in galery içinde arsiv sergilemesi, grup prezantasyonlari ve bu prezantasyonlardan elde edilecek verilerin çesitli yayin organlarinda yayinlanmasi ve orta vadede çikarilacak olan fanzin seklindeki yayinlara; gruplara iliskin roportajlar , kendi müziklerine ait yorumlari ve konser duyurulari da eklenecektir._______________________________________________ _____ Projeye demo ve yan materyal gönderebilmek için adres:(Adress to send demo and by-material): K2 Güncel Sanat Merkezi(CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER) :Cumhuriyet Bulvari no:54, Büyük Kardiçali han kat:2 oda:220 Konak / IZMIR-TURKEY _____________________________________________________ This project being undertaken by Merve Sendil, Nejat Sati has contributions to her and to the projects' subtopics. ___________________________________________________________ Underscene Project can be considered as an extensive, big pool where every kind of recordings belonging to music groups who have not been professionally in circulation and materials related with these groups are compiled and archieved.(improvable open archieve) This projects' basics rely on the unpublished records that I've collected since 1998. In 2005 my music archieve of which I've shown some part of it for the first time together with "OnAir" album I've prepared for an exhibition called "Other's Chance" took the name Underscene Project in 2006 and gained it's definition today by rapidly extending it's scope. For this project I'm using the classification method unlike the demo recordings that I've collected in the past. At the same time, this open archieve includes the recordings, concerts, concert posters,flyers that the groups have done with their own means playing without being attached to any record company(including cover groups) and compiling the by-materials like these. In Underscene Project's gallery, archieve exhibition, group presentations and the broadcasting, publishing of varied data that is provided by these presentations and in the medium term interviews concerning the groups, publications in form of fanzine, comments about their music and concert announcements will also be added. _________________________________ “Hope is a good thing”Artists: Alice Miceli, Esra Okyay, Halil Vurucuoglu, Jari Silomaki, Mehmet Dere, Nejat Sati, Runo Lagomarsino, Underscene Project (Merve Sendil )Curator: Borga KantürkAusstellungsort: ATELIERFRANKFURT / Hohenstaufenstraße 13-25 / 60327 Frankfurt Ausstellungsdauer: Samstag, 25. August – Samstag, 22. September 2007 Öffnungszeiten: Do & Fr 17 – 20 Uhr / Sa 15 – 18 Uhr (und nach Vereinbarung) Vernissage: Freitag, 24. August 2007, 20 – 23 UhrATELIERFRANKFURT is pleased to present “hope is a good thing”, a group exhibition curated by Borga Kantürk with seven artists and one collaboration, called Underscene Project, plus the post-punk band “DDR” from Turkey. All of the Turkish artists – Esra Okyay, Halil Vurucuoglu, Mehmet Dere, Nejat Sati and Underscene Project, produced by Merve Sendil – are part of the Izmir-based K2 initiative. The other participating artists are Alice Miceli (Brazil-Rio De Janerio), Jari Silomaki (Finland-Helsinki), and Runo Lagomarsino (Sweden-Malmo).Due to the interactive speed of the present world, the pace in contemporary art has also accelerated. Today, a contemporary artist is perceived as a person with various communication and networking skills, struggling within a high-speed, global art network. This system, in which the contemporary artist has to negotiate tight schedules and agendas, creates a chaos that is further intensified by long trips and difficult demands. Workshops, presentations, lectures, studio visits, artist residency programs, online conferences and similar commitments set the pace. The artist can either be a lucky but tired person, who builds useful contacts and finds sponsorships in this tense climate; or the artist takes a position in the background, out of sight, with an independent stance, having to build own contacts and to find an own budget.When Beuys said “Every human being is an artist”, the world with its dynamic political and social infrastructure was showing the promise of new hope. Art would accompany this acceleration and bring about a new kind of energy. Today’s hectic pace and lifestyle has seriously diminished the sense of hope that once existed. Today's ideals are strongly attracted by the hope of corporate and financial gain. To a large extent, hope has been replaced by greed. At the same time, the art community exists within a tighter global network, with more stringent time constraints encapsulating a larger audience. It can be said that art is increasingly drawing closer to becoming a corporate entity. It is thus the right time to quote Kippenberger’s more humanistic dictum, “Every artist is a human being”, as a direct alternative to Beuys’ remark. So going back to Beuys statement, the “artist=human being/myth” notion, we see the art world being increasingly affected by the rules of the corporate world and turning into a priced pawn of the market, a commodity worthy of higher accolade.Throughout contemporary art and the endeavors of artists trying to position themselves within the system, we need to discuss alternative strategies questioning the global network of the contemporary art market and try to focus on a situation in which artists can act freely and independently. In this sense, the word “hope” in the exhibition’s title is used as a necessary notion to represent what is human. The artists’ choices, their independent existences, and their personal, textual, verbal and visual languages have been taken into account during the process of developing the exhibition. The purpose is to release the artist entirely from the process of being an “illustrator” and view the artist as an “illusion producer” instead; as well as to focus on the framework represented by the artists and to consider the relationship between sound, image and atmosphere.Pressekontakt: ATELIERFRANKFURT Corinna Thiele Hohenstaufenstraße 13-25 60327 Frankfurt am Main M +(0)177.7772811 T +49.(0)69.74303771 [email protected] www.atelierfrankfurt.de zu Fuß nur 5 Minuten vom Hauptbahnhof!Create or get your
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Posted by underscene project on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:33:00 PST