About Me
*Nicole Pongan* "NIKKI 4 SHORT" Born in Philippines, March 9 1992....which means that I’m 15 for now and I am a Pisces(fish). I was mostly raised in Upper west Turdum, where the woods and trees are....anyway I am Filipino, and very much into my culture, and family. I am a sucker for animals, especially dogs, bears, turtles, and snakes. I think i was actually a animal in my life, I’m not sure which animal yet thou, but anyway I am very outgoing, always up for a task, I have so much energy sometimes i don’t know what to do with it....i try to keep busy, exercise, go clubbin (love to dance) in the summer i am always trying to go to the beach or pool, I’m like a fish, I love to swim and my favorite season is summer, I love the heat, plus summer clothes are always better looking, the less the better!!! I try to be as cheerful and down to earth as i can and from this day on since I have renewed myself these days I am not gonna think about the future or past b/c us people only have the power to take care of what’s in front of us right now, so I know that i cant change what happened already(past) and i cant dwell on something I don’t know to much about (future) since no one even knows how long they will live for....so I try to take it one day at a time, i gotta live for what’s right now, each day. I don’t judge people for who they are, what they do, or what they look like, b/c I end up looking at myself and realize that my issues can be similar to others, and no one is perfect if mostly everyone was perfect than we would never learn anything. Anyway, I sometimes think that i can be a little overwhelmed with my environment especially when its not clean or un-organized, I am a clean freak, always worried about dirt, dust, and bugs, oops i got that from my mother, lol....Anyway I love socializing and always meeting new people, especially since I tend to get lonely from time to time, and I hate that feeling so I try to keep up with getting out and doing fun stuff!!! I have always wanted to go skydiving, its crazy but i think I would love it.....well that’s enough about me, you will probably find out more as we go along!!! Thank you for reading.......... .. ..
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !