Dub C profile picture

Dub C

Live, love, learn.. And don't take Shit from anyone!

About Me

Ask me what you want to know...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God and Jesus before I die... width="425" height="350" ..




Napoleon dynamiteFight clubGladiatorgood will hunting


Sports center!!!!!!!!!!!!History channelSouth Park




(My Mom and Dad ) because they always rescued me when I needed saved!(AL CAPONE) because ran prostitution, gambling and bootlegging rings. In 1925, at the age of 26. it takes a very wise and motivated man to be above the law.(Hunter (Patch) Adams, MD) because he heels people whit love and caring i want to help kids one day when I am done with all my schooling. PATCH has the right concept on heeling not just prescribing meds to everyone.(Pablo Escobar)... If you don't know who that it then look it up and learn something.