~Rated P.Gâ„¢~ profile picture

~Rated P.Gâ„¢~

I am here for Friends

About Me

About...Me???My name is Patrick Gesmundo!And im proud to say my name and to introduce to you!Hahha!My Favorite color are Blue,Black and Red...uh..My code name is Zyrex...Because this is my name in counter strike,ragnarok basta all of the games that i've play...Simple lang get-up but cool!I love watchin tv...Like Mtv,Freestyle,American idol,NBA and PBA and many pa!But i love watching DVD(s) than tv shows...Because more exciting and mas-cool!Mabuti pa gawa na lang me bagong channel para astig channel 99(Stig-Joke) I love hangin out w/ my friends lalo na kapag may walk kami...Gimicks...Like malling.Girls!Nah!!!secret...New topic pls...like mga accessories!I love buyin shoes (Syempre kapag may money lang me!)Like Jordan's shoes!Nike!Converse!I also play basket ball because this is my game and this is my life....Cause i dominate...No one can hid me to play basket ball cause all things are possible to me cause im a really cool man!!!

My Interests

Yo!Playin Guitar...Friends...Cool friends...Computer Games...Music!Basket ball!Waah!Watchin Tv!EA Sports!And HBO!!!!RUAH!!!

I'd like to meet:

--- Kind,Sweet,Astig,cute,simple,naughty,not K-J,a friends always there to help. That's all....


R0ckapella-Acapella...DMX and Icecube...LimpBizkit....RnB...Rapessential,acoustic,pop,Chri stian songs,POD,Linkin Park,Jimi Hendrix,Black eye peas...Parokya...Acousticz...Make ur Mama proud...


I love watchin cool movie like! Chainsaw Massacre,Lord of the Rings,Megiddo,Matrix!!!Sch00L Of ROck!!!Last Samurai...Scary movie 1,2,and 3...Saving Private Ryan...Behind the Enemy Lines...Fast and the Furious, 2 Fast 2 Furious...Finding Nemo ok cartoons but the graphics cool! Kill Bill


Blah-blah!I hate tv show!Grrrr!!!But I love watchin Mtv!


Pace,daily bread,Bible,Song Heatz...She came to set the captives free...About Hell???Legend of Marianas trench...About Bermuda Triangle,Magazines about NBA live!Rap!Pop!RoCk!


Hmm...Smart people...strong...people that can survive any battle in our life...and creative...

My Blog


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Posted by ~Rated P.G"~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST