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john francis

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +John Francis L. Soy, medically known as manic "SOY" is a very potent hallucinogen. An average dose of "SOY" no bigger than a speck of a dust can produce effects that last for hours. Excess amounts produce toxic effects. "SOY" can also be taken in th form of pill,intravenous fluid, or inhalant. He has no current medical use."SOY" users experience physical changes such as euphoria, grandiose delusions, chills, tremlbling, ,loss of appetite and nausea can also occur. Some users see strange visual images and brighter, more intense color in LIFE. Increased doses of "SOY" cause addiction! Watch out for adverse effects.++ ++ ++ ++Perhaps a jester in a past lifeUndeniably a philharmonic personA habitue of movie house,a flickfanaticI may appear to be a party-animal, but I'm a goal-oriented personI may appear undaunted, but I'm weakThe happiness I portray outside, is usually the antithesis of my insideAlong the course of my life I'Ve been bewildered, but now I'm no longer astrayIm enigmatic but innocentI act maturely but im childishBedevilled with split personalityWords can't bring me down, I supposeBUILT FOR THE KILL!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

ppol who are true to themselves.. ppol who are unmindful of what other ppol think about them.. and ppol who are always happy.invite me: [email protected] multiply: johnfrancissoymortal weirdo, hoaxer species of my own domainyou!


blame my mood!


reality- based shows


super Soy!hahaha

My Blog


10 years from now the caterpillar dat olready been unfetterd fr the long & tedious drudgery in the cocoon.. perhaps, a new creature hasbeen reborn, a creature which can now show to the whole world, it...
Posted by john francis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i feel like im back to elementary

nursing in ust is the center of excellence..i have no complain with regards to the quality of education they offer. its a challenge being one of us..but...but.. they are changing me.. they want all to...
Posted by john francis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nah summer class is not cool.i just stay home and i dont use my time productively.
Posted by john francis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST