I'd like to meet:
anyOne...mY LoNg Lost frieNds...
aNy kiNd Of mUsic wiLL dO...
LiLo & stitcH, tHe cHainsAw masSacRe, eLektra, gOne in 60 sEc., originaL sin, tHe paRenT tRaP, a waLk tO reMemBer, crUeL inteNtiOns, fReaKy fRiDay, whiTe cHicks, tHe nOtebOok, 13 gOing 30, preTTy wOman, trOy, dOwn tO yOu, sEries Of UnfOrtUnaTe eVents, if OnLy, intO the bLue, the iTaLian jOb, fast n d' fUriOus, 2fast 2fUriOus, fast n d' furiOus-tOkyO drift,sHe's the maN,thE deviL weArs praDa,...etc.
the L word,
sUmmit bOoks(the break-Up diaries,havE babY wiLL datE?), aNgeLs aNd demOns,betwEen diNner aNd the mOrniNg aftEr,
mY fRieNdS!!!