Film,Comics,music,literature UFO's,vampires,zombies,Godzilla
Who I'd like to meet: Anyone interested in the INDIE films and getting them to distributed. We also want to promote the film industry in Michigan, especially the Metro Detroit areaIn case you or anyone you know that may be interested in our indie Vampire film in Hamtramck (Detroit) Please send your samples / info / material you want publicized and networked to: After The Bloodrush – No Fun Film Co. LLC, c/o A.T. P.O. Box 24894, Detroit MI 48224 You can also E-mail us at [email protected] or through our myspace page with the same address.Be sure to check out our web page for our film company at Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Copies of our L.L.C. are available upon request. Thank you for your interest,your time and consideration and we hope to make this a beneficial partnership for all involved. Sincerely, Aaron T., Executive Producer – No Fun Films Co. P.O. Box 24894, Detroit MI 48224 [email protected] - ***We have the BEST talent, lets prove itThis will be a Unique feature film with a major portion of thefilm being shot in Hamtramick, Michigan.
We are looking for musical artists and groups to submit material to used in our upcoming movie and help support the film arts in Michigan. Our crew is looking for a broad spectrum of music to use so everything (and I DO mean EVERYTHING! The more you can send us- the more we will be able to choose and use. We are really trying to promote independent artists in our film. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO US. We definately appreciate your submissions, work, talent, and input.Please send your submissions along with written authorization to use this in our film and send it registered shipping to: After The Bloodrush – No Fun Film Co. LLC, c/o Aaron Trudgeon P.O. Box 24894, Detroit MI 48224 You can also E-mail us at [email protected] or through our myspace page with the same address. Be sure to check out our web page for our film company at Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. Copies of our L.L.C. are available upon request. Thank you for your interest,your time and consideration and we hope to make this a beneficial partnership for all involved. Sincerely, Aaron Trudgeon, Executive Producer – No Fun Films Co. P.O. Box 24894, Detroit MI 48224 [email protected] - ***We have the BEST talent, lets prove it!!***
Horror,Sci-Fi,Grindhouse,Schlock,Comedy,the occasional beach party movie. Hamtragick, Green Thumb,
Any book by Bukowski,and John Keel.