'My life is impossible, I cannot find rest, I haven't got what I need...I need this, this and this so much, so so much...more than anything!!! Why cant I have it?'
"Don't you understand? Make all your troubles One and put all these troubles to ALLAH"
"You really do need ALLAH. What are you doing? What is the matter with you all? Why are you all in such a state? You really do need ALLAH, and ALLAH is near. He is not far, He is near, nearer than the nearness of yourself, of your life-self. You need ALLAH. You're faqir but you need ALLAH - but He's near. What is the turbulence, why this uncertainty?"
Then by dhikr you reach a point where you have Ayn al-yaqin. Ayn al-yaqin is that you see in the inwardness, and you see in the hiddenness, what is the Certain. And this sureness and this firmness is confirmed inwardly and outwardly, but there is a point at which this confirmation and totality is Haqq al-yaqin [the Reality of Certainty]. Now the yaqin is that you will certainly die, it is mawt. So understand that you should 'die before you die'.
If you appear with majesty before the mouse, the mouse dies of fright. Is that not true?
This is how we are in the face of ALLAH. This is the slave before his Lord. The only free person is the one who has accepted slavery. It is when the slave is pleased to be a slave. A true servant of ALLAH.
Slavehood changes character, and the slave then, becomes the beloved.
Die before you die...
Remember what former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu answered when he was asked, on the day of the 9-11 attacks, what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for ISRAEL!!!)"
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