Bjarni profile picture


Bjarni Þór

About Me

Hi my name is Bjarni, I..m 21 and live in Reykjavik Iceland. I..m in school Borgarholtskóla and I..m finnish to learn media program and artstudy. Write now I..m traing to finnish a school, next step I will go to learn clip/cuting program, I have also pick up a consert f.x The Sugarcubes and Ghostigital and clip and cuting this consert to DVD to get a seriousness job to have.I have many friends but not many best friends, we go to bowling, cinema, I take alot of pictures, we go to museum and town centerof night, and homeparty, summerhouse party, and many more. I swimm and have 5 icelandic recordsI have actually 2 family, one whit my mother and one whit my dad, from my mother are we I, my and my brother. My dad have another woman and is they have a lovly fun, 2 prankster, a lille brother and sister 5 and 4 years.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet you :)so if you wan now mee add me on [email protected]


I lisinig of Tranc, Electronic mostly, but I lising too Rock, punk, hipphopp and R&B. Yes love it too much. Artists like The Sugarcubes, Muse, Múm, Radiohead, The Cure, Gus Gus, Johnny Cash and loads more.


I like bed Hollywood movies boring. Like the good American movie :). Scandinavien and European artie fartie movies.


I see 24 and Lost, but thise is boring now, too many Seria. I watch Prison Breake, Rome, Invison, Heroes and episode some are boring but funny


I read all from Arnald Indriðason, f.x Mýrin, Betty and Konungsbók, I read Harry Potter, Lord of the rings and many books


He-man, Transformes, Batman, Hulk, Spiderman, Turtles and many more Heros