Hmmmm, self-descriptives are not always easy to
write. So here's a quick stab at it:
I'm told I'm a Renaissance Man. Maybe it's true. My job
is in the music biz, and the fine art world. I suppose if I
had had more patience when I was a kid, I'd have
become a geeky scientist or something like that. Oh
I'm in shape. Tho' I do not subscribe to any of the
bodybuilding/muscle zines or the like, I do find myself
hitting the gym on a regular basis. Yeah, I started
working out cuz I hated the way I looked. Now, I stay at
it due to the great sense of self-accomplishment it
I'm moral. I know right FROM wrong. I also know
when there IS no "right or wrong". Tho' I have strong
opinions, I form them after doing my homework. I also
like to stay open-minded enough to change my
opinions when prompted by a worthy alternate point of
view. I really can't stand mean-spiritedness or overtly
rude insensitivity.
Although all the above sounds so serious, I really love
laughing and being playfully humorous too.
There's a lot more here, but how about getting to know
that in a more personal way, eh?