Nine Minutes Even is from Shelton CT, where there is very little else to do besides play music. The guys have been playing together for about ten years now, under three different names. They started out as Euphoria, played Toad's Place in New Haven numerous times, once opening for Riders on the Storm, a popular Doors tribute band. They eventually got tired of that name and changed to Alternate 85, a Back to the Future reference which nobody got, they opened for GOB at the Webster Theatre in Hartford, and continued playing many other places all over CT. soon after that they went on a little break to write new songs and change their name again. Now they've got a new name that everybody in the band agrees with, one that doesn't need too much explanation, and hopefully the last one they'll need. The guys are working on getting gigs now after a break that was a little longer than expected, and trying to get their name out there as much as possible, and just having fun playing music.
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