I am innnerst'd in: the color Yellow, MEAT, reps & sets, a good clean fight or some old fashN'd DRTy boXXXing, anti-patriotism, calves/feet, football, d@rk beer, y mis dos hijos... Creating, smashing stuff in angry fit, ranch dressing iZ good 2 dip fr3nch frieZ N. I like to cook but NoT a big fan of cleaning- i do it anyway... Letting go and dancing to some h@rdKore DNB SuMTyMZ... Getting Away. MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE IS FUN 2.
Rapist Glasses
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hellz ya
Ben Shawn, H. Bosch, Caligula (at the height of his insane rule) time travel & go see Chopin play his Nocturnes then hang out w/ Van Gogh & read some poetry with Edgar A. Poe, would luv 2 BITCH-SLAP GEORGE W. BUSH, peeps w/ love4 muzic & art / peeps with a lust for life... who else??? DUMB WHORES ARE FUN 2 MAKE FUN OF, and a publisher who will pay me a large sum of money and a contract for another book.Mike TYSON... for the entertainment value:
"Pigs" (music video)
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American Psycho, Edward Siscorhands, Clockwork Orange, City of God, Ravenous, I am Legend was good but not great / Jim Jiramush films / Scorsese films / Requiem 4 a Dream / 300 / some Kubrick films - Fav. of all time: Fight Club - it made a lot of sence at the time it first came to theaters... Abstract films from Maya Daren / THERE WILL BE BLOOD
NO TV. background noise to draw or paint to. When i getta chance I like to watch something stupid that lets me not think, like Reno 911 or Chapelle Show.... love boxing though, Boxing's a chess match w/ fists, been a falcons fan since way before Vick came along. Fam. Guy, etc... Oh, and UFC fights!
Faulkner, Kafka, Hemingway, Henry Miller, poetry is no longer in my lif3. "Tropics of Cancer," by Henry Miller was one of my all time favorite books. "Naked Lunch," by W. Burroughs was a good one too. "tHE Average American Male" bIO'S ON LENNY BRUCE AND HOWARD HUGHES. I HATE tampon books. Def. of a tampon book: A book, usually written by a female author, that is all about women shit. CAN't Fk'n Relate. Oprah book of the month club is a prime example.
Achiles, Faulkner, Ben Shahan, mom took 8 bullets and's doin gr8, Albrecht Durer, & the DJ's that spin the deepest, darkest, sickest DNB --> thank you. i always had a soft spot in my heart for the villain or the anti-hero... "the man you love to hate."check this shit, fukkr's: funnyordie.com check out JON Lajoie***ON A SIDE NOTE: i think hippies are a waste of time and space. If you are a hippy, please, go kill yourself, or atleast take a g.d. shower - yu bongwater phukks.