TaLkiNg, TrAvELLiNg, InTerNet, Li$tEnIng Mu$iC, WaTcHinG MoViE,,,,,,
I LiKe To MeEt GiRL$ & b0Ys ThAt SuItABlE WitH Me, AnYwAy OuT$idErs AlmOsT WeLcOmE To Be My FRiEnd$
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BaLLaDe, RoCk & RoLL, R & b, JaZz, CLAsSiC, RoMaNcE,,
ThRiLLeR, MiStIc, ScReAmInG, FunNy,,,,,
DoCumEnTaRy, NeWs, EnTeRtAinMeNt, FaShIoN, ReALitY $HoW,,,
NoVeL,,,,RoMaNtIc & LoViNg,,,
My hErOes Is ME!!!