High Class Heist, a rare case among bands today, where family n bandsman S-H-to-tha-izzip co-exist ta kizzle a dream alive. This is our passion. We wizzay nuttin' more tizzle fo` all of you ta enjoy tha music we make, jizzle as much as we do . Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this.. Achiev'n goals has become inevitable straight trippin' tha circumstizzles so far. HCH formed circa 2004, wit three original memba Vin Treglia, Joe Anzalone, n Jimmy Wynne. Through hours upon hours, days upon nights, n months upon years of pimpin' fo` tha final fourth, it was love at first sight whizzen dippin' Brian "Sceney" Seney ta tha HCH lineup. We stand before all of you nizzow, ready ta makes a nizzle fo` ourselves; n although we've already experienced/learned so M-to-tha-izzuch `bout music n one killa we ready ta prove that this is jizzy tha weed-smokin'.
1 - The Sun Never Sets on a Badass
2- Fistfights with the Journalist
3- 10:00 Newsflash: This Just In...
4- Know Your Roots (Yeah You)
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