design.talking about classic music.ganja.skateboarding.being guitar.playing like to get into record spining but need to get the right gear.riding offroad vehicles.eating really good food-personal favorites/sushi/chorizo n' eggs.jamming out with people.poetry(pablo neruda)hes good.
joe satriani/al pacino/hendrix/lennon/abe lincoln/pablo neruda/dali/bob marley/
img src=C:..Documents and Settings..Conni Mattson..My Documents..My Pictures..Custom Folder NameNo Pity For A Coward - OFFICIAL VIDEO
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Don't miss He Is Legend on The Peanut Butt Tour this summer!
alternative experimental progressive heavy epic indie rock brutal blast beats double bass screamo hippie classic arena hairmetal harmonizing guitar attack music/Foam Party agen, Pendulem
Add to My Profile | More Videos..August Burns Red: Your Little Suburbia Is In Ruins
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serpico/heat/the departed/crank/the sandlot/godfather movies/all james bond movies/300/kill bill vol.1 and 2/hills have eyes/die hard trilogy/matrix movies/stephan king movies/goonies/scarface/the saint/texas chainsaw movies/halloween movies/lord of the flys/slums of beverly hills/man on fire/deja' vu/the seige/three kings/oceans eleven movies/dogma/clerks/mall rats/school of rock/revenge of the nerds movies/scent of a woman/pulp fiction/grindhouse/fast and the furious movies/jesus im down for a good movie everymoive
sopranos/family guy/south park/daliy show/colbert report/drawn together/simpsons/70's show/king of queens/..
books on guitar,art,poetry,lots of things
mom,gram,fam,mia,my wiener dog that i used to have,my old cats rupert and timmy.the man upstairs