plyo pullups
weigtlifting/ bodybuilding, nutrition, martial arts, oil painting (nudes, portraitures)............ test
My ex girlfriend in a dark alley.
Favourite songs:Lightning Strikes by Live, Kentucky Rain by Elvis, In the Ghetto by Elvis, Everlasting Love (version) by U2, I Walk the Line (version) by Live, Don't Bring Take your Guns to Town by Johnny Cash, Saint of Me by Rolling Stones, Pump it by Black Eyed Peas, Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, Jukebox Hero by Foreigner, Wonderful World (version) by Ramones, King Creole by Elvis, Shooting Star by Bad Company, One by U2, All I Want is You by U2, The River by Bruce Springsteen
Last of the Mohicans, V for Vendetta, King Kong, Cool Hand Luke, True Romance, Lord of the Rings, The Last Samurai, Pulp Fiction, The Longest Yard (original), Heathers, The Lost Boys, Pumping Iron, To Sir With Love, To Catch a Thief, X-Men 2, Spiderman 2, Thunderball, Bourne Identity, Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins........
Amazing Race, The Contender, Fear Factor, Rockford Files, Family Guy, That 70's Show, Simpsons, Powerpuff Girls, Star Trek (original), Law and Order, WKRP in Cincinatti, Futurama, Justice League, Greatest American Hero, Survivor, Barney MillerAmong the current shows, my tv viewing actually only consists of either cartoons or Reality shows. So what does that say?
The Great Gatsby, Stepphenwolf, Siddhartta, Fountainhead
Frank Frazetta, Lucien Freud, Roy Sumabat Senior