Rich profile picture



About Me

Hole in the wall bars, strange movies, and cafes with bad service. Sticky floors mean they love you. I am the quintessential bachelor. I love my Netflix and my motorcycle, and I believe that any excuse for sushi is a good excuse. I'm a beer drinker socially, and a wine drinker at home. I cook. I think that Steve Martins earlier works were by far his best. I know how to spell Nietzsche.

My Interests

School. Programming, lately. Hiking, biking, clubs, cheap movies after an expensive meal, jazz, swing dancing, salsa dancing, a little gaming, weekends with friends from out of town.

I'd like to meet:

If you go to Wikipedia "just to find the name of that one guy", then three hours later you find yourself wondering what strange series of clicks lead you to this article on Hoysala architecture, you should email me.



Electronica of most types, blues, gothic/darkwave, Good old fashioned Rock'n Roll, metal, jazz back when jazz was still experimental and an expression of ones desire for freedom and creativity while trying to exist under suffocating social norms, blue grass


Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sin City, American Beauty, Schindler's List, The Great Escape, Requiem for a Dream, Natural Born Killers, Akira, Fight Club, Leaving Las Vegas


I have a thing for cooking reality shows. Iron Chef fascinates me.


"But how will you die when your time comes, Narcissus, since you have no mother? Without a mother, one cannot love. Without a mother, one cannot die."

Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse


This guy:

My Blog

Who does the Go-To Guy go to?

Inside, I'm screaming. But I did it to myself.
Posted by Rich on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

Here are 10 things to expect after you turn 30.

I found this site: out Life of a Loser.  It's worth it.So I lifted this list from -Somebody we know told me you're turning ...
Posted by Rich on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 10:21:00 PST

Fun with sweeping generalizations!

So today I took some time to actually *read* other peoples blogs and the related comments, and something came to my attention: there are a lot of angry white men in the world.  Now, I know that ...
Posted by Rich on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:11:00 PST

Chronicles of the Paper Fish - Blocks of Ice

Mr. Fish sits motionless, shoulders slouched.  His eyes have lost focus long ago, replacing the monitor on his desk with a dimly lit block of ice, or maybe a window facing Kansas at dusk.Of cours...
Posted by Rich on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:33:00 PST

Poeming again ..

I wrote this with a friend in mind, but I thought I'd share with the world anyway:I feel the pulse of humanity, thump, thump, thump, in my feet, through the floorboards, under a million miles of dirt...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 03:39:00 PST

Survey Whore

I keep getting these, so I thought I'd do one.  I find them annoying, so I thought I'd put it in the blog instead of the Bulletins, so as to not annoy my faithful and fearless friends. 1. When...
Posted by Rich on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 08:19:00 PST

A riddle! Who am I?

Another five minute poem .. ok, more like 10 minutes:Rumor has it I'm a leperMy imaginary fingers stuck where they don't belongPaper dragons and straw solders backing up my convictionWith broken teeth...
Posted by Rich on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 08:45:00 PST

Gnomes, and the girl I can never fall in love with

Or, to be more exact, the girl I cannot let myself fall in love with, for reasons that cannot be explained because doing so would reveal too much.  Funny how us silly boys can become so caught u...
Posted by Rich on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 11:54:00 PST

All four

Here's three more five-minute poems I wrote.  I wanted to see what I'd come up with..1.)I gawk at hazy shadows that are not there. The grip of white powder and smoke throttle my soul, and my real...
Posted by Rich on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 01:37:00 PST

Five minute poem

Meaningless rhythmic screams violate hazy sleep: "AreYouSober-AreYouSober-AreYouSober-AreYouSober.." Strobe lights through the tracks show signs of life. A play, by the vagabonds below.-Me...
Posted by Rich on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 12:09:00 PST