music, movies, comedy, dance parties.
an octopuss who wasn't as lazy as the last one i saw.
My taste in music is so evolved and elite, not only have you not heard of most the bands i listen to, but your ears are still incapable of hearing the music itself. but so you feel like we can realate in some way here are some bands you may have heard of: the decemberists, murder by death, hellogoodbye, death from above 1979, mewithoutyou and a lot more too.
I'm so rich and fantastical that i have a film collection that you could only dream of. and if you think you're cool because you saw some indie movie at your friends house one night last summer, you're not. because not only do i already own the movie, but i probably got it at the private screening premier at a film festival in europe that, even if you had heard about it, you don't know the right people, and couldn't afford to go anyway. but here are some of my top movies: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Moulin Rouge, Final Fantasy VII, Spirited Away, Full Metal Jacket, Brick, American Psyco, American Splendor, and more
Arrested Development, The Boondocks, The Office (British and American),
the one i'm reading is usually my favorite.
Kurt Vonnegut